
Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini#

Mariangiola Dezani was born in Torino (22/12/46). She obtained a Master in Physics at the University of Torino cum laude (10/11/70) and PhD at Nijmegen University (15/10/96). She was a CNR Fellow at the “Istituto di Scienze dell’Informazione” of the University of Torino from 1/1/71 to 31/7/72, was assistant professor of “Computer Science” at the University of Torino from 1/8/72 to 31/10/81, and associated professor of “Computability and Algorithms” at the University of Torino from 1/11/74 to 31/10/81. She has been full professor of “Foundations of Computer Science” at the University of Torino since 31/10/81.

Dezani has been member and chairman of program committees of more than 60 international conferences and workshops, teacher of 6 schools for PhD students, invited speaker to more than 40 international conferences and workshops.

Dezani has been promotor or Co-promotor of the Ph.D. theses of Felice Cardone, Fabio Alessi, Steffen van Bakel, Franco Barbanera, Adriana Compagnoni, Luigi Liquori, Viviana Bono, Stefania Lusin, Yoko Motohama, Pablo Garralda, Elena Giachino, Livio Bioglio, Svetlana Jaksic. She is EATCS Fellow in 2015, member of the editorial board of Information and Computation, member of the IFIP Working Group 2.2, member of the Academia Europaea, member of the Steering Committee of DCM and ITRS. She has been responsible (at local or upper level) for many international and national research projects.

Dezani has co-authored more than 200 papers published in prestigious scientific journals and in proceedings of international conferences. In the ’80s she introduced with other researchers the intersection type assignment systems, which were largely used as finitary descriptions of lambda-models. More recently, she studied type systems for object-oriented and ambient calculi in collaboration also with Bugliesi (Venice University), Castagna (ENS, Paris), Compagnoni (Stevens Institute of Technology), Drossopoulou and Yoshida (Imperial College), and Sassone (University of Sussex). The last research activity of Dezani has been devoted to the study of session types for assuring safety of communication protocols.

Curriculum vitae
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