
Nina Dobrushina - Selected Publications#

Google scholar H-index 21, 1388 citations
WoS H-index 5, 106 citations

Dobrushina N. Language ideology in an endogamous society: the case of Daghestan. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 2023. Vol 27. No.2. Pp. 159-176.

Pakendorf B., Dobrushina N., Khanina O. A typology of small-scale multilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism. 2021. Vol. 25. No. 4.

Daniel M., Chechuro I., Verhees S., Dobrushina N. Lingua Francas as Lexical Donors: Evidence from Daghestan. Language. 2021. Vol. 97. No. 3. pp. 520-560.

Dobrushina N., Kozhukhar A. A., Moroz G. Gendered multilingualism in highland Daghestan: story of a loss. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 2019. Vol. 40. No. 2. pp. 115-132.

Daniel, M., N. Dobrushina, D. Ganenkov. Eds. 2019. The Mehweb language: Essays on phonology, morphology and syntax / Berlin : Language Science Press.

Dobrushina, N.R. 2016. Soslagatelʹnoe naklonenie v russkom jazyke: opyt issledovanija grammatičeskoj semantiki [Subjunctive in Russian: a study in semantics of grammar]]. Praga: Animedia Company. (Reviewed in Voprosy Jazikoznanaija and in Acta Linguistica Petropolitana)

Dobrushina, Nina. 2017. Contact-induced usages of volitional moods in East Caucasian languages. International Journal of Bilingualism. Vol. 21. No. 5. pp. 559-583

Dobrushina, Nina. 2013. How to study multilingualism of the past: Investigating traditional contact situations in Daghestan. Journal of Sociolinguistics. Volume 17 Issue 3 (June 2013), Pages 269-411

Dobrushina, Nina. 2012. Subjunctive complement clauses in Russian. Russian Linguistics. Volume 36, Issue 2, pp 121-156

Dobrushina N.R. 2006. Grammatičeskie formy i konstrukcii so značeniem opasenija i predostereženija [Forms and constructions expressing apprehension and warning]]. Voprosy jazykoznanija. № 2. 2,6 a.l.

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