
Ewa Domanska - Curriculum Vitae#


1. theory and history of historiography ■ methods of historical research ■ new approaches to the past ■ non-Western knowledges of the past and ways of knowing

2. comparative theory of the humanities and social sciences ■ emerging fields in the humanities and social sciences,

3. environmental humanities ■ ecocide and genocide studies ■ human remains as heritage (and in this context, process of merging humanities and life and Earth sciences).

  • 2016 Professor of human sciences (conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland upon a motion of the Central Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland). Process based on the academic achievements and the book: Historia egzystencjalna. Krytyczne studium narratywizmu i humanistyki zaangażowanej [Existential History. Critical Approach to Narrativism and Emancipatory Humanities]. Warsaw: PWN, 2012, pp. 223.
  • 2007 Habilitation: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland). Process based on the academic achievements and the book: Historie niekonwencjonalne. Refleksja o przeszlosci w nowej humanistyce [Unconventional Histories. Reflections on the Past in the New Humanities]. Poznan: Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, 2006, pp. 323.
  • 1995 Ph.D.: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland). Dissertation topic: Historiography in the Light of Narrative and the Postmodern Turn in the Humanities. Primary adviser: Jerzy Topolski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan); reviewers: Frank Ankersmit (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands) and Hans Kellner (Texas University at Arlington, USA)

  • September 1, 2018 – full professor of human sciences [profesor zwyczajny], Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
  • February 1, 2010 – Adam Mickiewicz University Professor in Theory and History of Historiography [profesor nadzwyczajny] Department of History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland)
  • June 18, 2007 – associate professor in Theory and History of Historiography [adiunkt], Department of History, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland)
  • since 2002 (Spring Term) - visiting assistant professor, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University (USA), since March 2008 visiting associate professor, since March 2017 visiting professor, Department of Anthropology/Archaeology Center, March 2022 visiting professor DLCL (French and Italian), Stanford University
  • since 2009 - affiliated faculty of the Center for Russian, East European & Euroasian Studies [CREEES], Stanford University

  • 2021 - 2025 PRELUDIUM BIS 20 (NCN /The National Science Centre) „A case study of the Warta River in Poznań/Posen in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries”, 435,064 PLN, no. 2020/39/O/HS3/01165 (principal investigator)
  • 2018 – 2021 Member of an International Advisory Panel – “My Favourite Things: Material Culture Archives, Cultural Heritage and Meaning”, The Centre for Microhistorical Research at the Institute of History, University of Iceland (The Icelandic Research Fund / IRF 184976-051 – budget: 1,5 million US dollars)
  • 2017 - 2021 Member of the panel of external scholars – “Unruly Heritage: An Archaeology of the Anthropocene”, The Arctic University of Norway (The Norwegian Research Council / FRIPRO Toppforsk / NRC: 250296 – budget: NOK 24,5 million, ca. 2,6 million Euro)
  • 2016 - 2017 Research fellow of the international grant: “After Discourse: Things, Archaeology and Heritage in the 21th Century” (Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)

  • 2020 Corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Division I. Humanities and Social Sciences (elected as the first woman in the discipline of history)
  • since 2015 - member of the Committee of Sciences on Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • since 2016 – member of the Committee of Historical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences
  • 2020 Head of the Commission of Theory, History of Historiography and Methodology of History (Committee of Historical Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences)
  • 2020 Member of a Permanent External Committee for Scientific Advice (CEPAC). Institute of Contemporary History (IHC), a research centre of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (in Lisbon) and the University of Évora.
  • Since 2022 – member of the Bureau of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (The International Committee of Historical Sciences / Comité international des sciences historiques ICHS / CISH)
  • 2015 - 2022 President of ICHTH)
  • Since 2023 Member of the Academic Advisory Board, Institute for Human Sciences, IWM in Vienna

Editorial boards
  • since 2013 - member of the Editorial Board of the book series “New Humanities” (The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)

Academic journals (selection out of 28 journals):

Member of the editorial board: "History and Theory" (USA), “Storia della Soriografia” (Italy); Ейдос. Альманах теорії та історії історичної науки” (Ukraine); “Porównania”/Comparisons (Poland); „Teksty Drugie”/Second Texts (Poland); „Journal of History & Thought” (China); Artium Questiones” (Poland); „Dějiny - Teorie – Kritika” (Czech Republic); “Kwartalnik Historyczny” (Poland); Prace Kulturoznawcze (Poland).

Member of the scientific board: „História da Historiografia” (Brazil); “Narracje o Zagładzie/Narrations of the Shoah” (Poland); “Norwegian Archaeological Review” (Norway); “Historiografías, revista de historia y teoría” (Spain); „Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo” [Humanities and Natural Sciences] (Poland).


(the list does not include articles and book chapter published in Polish)


8 books: 6 books (author), 10 books edited and 12 co-edited (including: Encounters: Philosophy of History After Postmodernism, The University Press of Virginia, 1998 and (eds. With Frank Ankersmit and Hans Kellner) Re-Figuring Hayden White, Stanford University Press, 2009.

132 articles and 12 review articles published in Polish, English, Chinese, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian and Hungarian in peer-review journals in Poland and abroad (“History and Theory”, “Historein”, „Norwegian Archaeological Review”, “Rethinking History”, “Storia della Storiografia” as well as “Teksty Drugie/Second Texts”, “Historyka” – among others).

47 book chapters in Polish, English, Spanish and Russian published by Blackwell, Bloosmbury, Routledge, Sage and Stanford University Press as well as by known Polish academic presses (PWN Polish Scientific Publishers, Universitas, Polish Academy of Sciences Press)


1. A História para além do humano [History Beyond the Human], trans. Taynna Marino and Hugo Merlo. FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil), 2023 (forthcoming).

2. Nekros. Wprowadzenie do ontologii martwego ciała [Nekros: An Ontology of Human Remains]. Warsaw: PWN, 2017, pp. 379. ENG: Nekros: An Ontology of Human Remains, trans. Paul Vickers and Eliza Rose (ready for submission).

Books Co-edited

1. Knowledge in the Shadow of Catastrophe. Key Thinkers of Polish Humanities in the Post-War Era, eds. Katarzyna Bojarska, Ewa Domańska, Piotr Filipkowski, Jacek Małczyński, Luiza Nader. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Schöningh, 2024. pp. 343, ISBN: 978-3-506-79395-9 [10.30965/9783657793952]

2. Dipesh Chakrabarty, Humanistyka w epoce antropocenu [Humanities in the Anthropocene Epoch], eds. Ewa Domańska and Małgorzata Sugiera. Cracow: Universitas, 2023, pp. 460, ISBN: 978-83-242-3920-7

3. Ekshumacje polityczne: teoria i praktyka [Political Exhumations: Theory and Practice], eds. Ewa Domańska and Alexandra Staniewska. Gdańsk-Lubin: słowo/obraz terytoria; Muzeum Historyczne w Lubinie, 2023, pp. 729 [ISBN 978-83-7453-521-2 / ISBN 978-83-66574-21-2].

4. Jerzy Topolski, Theory and Methodology of Historical Knowledge: An Anthology, eds. Ewa Domańska and Anna Topolska. Poznań: Faculty of History Press, Adam Mickiewicz University, 2022, pp. 432 [ISBN 978-83-66355-78-1].

rev. Zenonas Norkus, “Jerzy Topolski’s Restoration (ad Integrum) of Historics/Historyka.” Journal of the Philosophy of History, vol. 16, no. 3, 2022: 309–320, DOI: 10.1163/18722636-12341483

5. Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii [Introduction to Methodology of History], eds. Ewa Domańska and Jan Pomorski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2022, pp. 572 [ISBN 978-83-01-22314-4]

6. RAT (Resilience Academic Team), Humanistyka prewencyjna [Preventive Humanities], eds. Ewa Domańska, Piotr Słodkowski and Monika Stobiecka. Warszawa-Poznań: Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej; Poznańskie Centrum Dziedzictwa, 2022, pp. 224 [ISBN: 978-83-963026-0-1 / ISBN: 978-83-62415-66-3].

7. Hayden White w Polsce: fakty, krytyka, interpretacje [Hayden White in Poland: Facts, Critique, Interpretation], eds. Ewa Domańska, Edward Skibiński, Paweł Stróżyk. Kraków: Universitas, 2019, pp. 335 [SBN: 978-83-242-3593-3].

Special issues

The Environmental History of the Holocaust, guest editors: Ewa Domańska and Jacek Małczyński. “Journal of Genocide Research”, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020 (follow up by Forum: The Environmental History and the Holocaust, “Journal of Genocide Research”, vol. 24, no. 3, September 2022).

Globalizing Hayden White, guest editors: Ewa Domańska and María Inés La Greca, “Rethinking History”, vol. 23, no. 4, 2019.



“Revisiting ruins with Bjørnar Olsen”, trans. Paul Vickers, in: For Love of Archaeology, eds. Hein B. Bjerck, Mats Burström, Þóra Pétursdóttir and Asgeir Svestad. Tromsø: Tromsø Museums Skrifter, 2023: 37-43.


“Wondering About History in Times of Permanent Crisis.” Storia della Storiografia, vol. 82, no. 2, 2022: 29-37.

“Evidencia, derecho y teoría histórica”, trans. into Spanish by Eugenia Somers, in: El futuro práctico de la filosofía de la historia, ed. Verónica Tozzi Thompson. Buenos Aires: Prometeo, 2022: 223-239 [ISBN 978-987-816-451-9].

“Jerzy Topolski’s Theory and Methodology of Historical Knowledge,” in his, Theory and Methodology of Historical Knowledge: An Anthology, eds. Ewa Domańska and Anna Topolska. Poznań: Faculty of History Press, 2022: 17-43.

“The Paternalistic Liberation of History by Theory”, trans. Eliza Rose. Caminhos da História (Brazil), vol. 27, no. 2, 2022: 7-16, doi.org/10.46551/issn.2317-0875v27n2p.7-16 (theme issue: “Teoria da História e as Novas Humanidades: debates contemporâneos", eds. André da Silva Ramos, Marcelo de Mello Rangel, Thamara de Oliveira Rodrigues).

Ewa Domańska, Jacek Małczyński, Mikołaj Smykowski & Agnieszka Kłos, “The Legacies of the Holocaust Beyond the Human and Across a Longer durée (In Response to Omer Bartov, Eric Katz and Jessica Rapson)”, Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 24, no. 3, September 2022: 448–461, doi.org/10.1080/14623528.2021.1924590


“Jerzy Topolski’s Marxist Anthropocentrism”, trans. Paul Vickers. Journal of the Philosophy of History, vol. 15, no. 3, 2021: 361–377 [DOI:10.1163/18722636-12341466].

Zoltán Boldizsár Simon, Marek Tamm, Ewa Domańska, “Anthropocenic Historical Knowledge: Promises and Pitfalls”. Rethinking History, vol. 25, no. 4, 2021: 406-439 [DOI: 10.1080/13642529.2021.1985224].

“Prefigurative Humanities,” trans. Paul Vickers. History and Theory, vol. 60, no. 4, 2021: 141-158 [DOI: 10.1111/hith.12241].

“Polish Humanities, French Theory, and the Need for a Strong Subject,” trans. Paul Vickers. Historyka, vol. 51, 2021: 17-37 [DOI: 10.24425/hsm.2021.138877]


“Unbinding from Humanity: Nandipha Mntambo’s Europa and the Limits of History and Identity,” trans. Paul Vickers. Journal of the Philosophy of History, vol. 14, 2020: 310–336 [DOI:10.1163/18722636-12341452].

The Paradigm Shift in the Contemporary Humanities and Social Sciences, in: Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives, ed. Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen. Oxford, London, New York: Bloomsbury, 2020: 180-197.

Jacek Małczyński, Ewa Domańska, Mikołaj Smykowski, Agnieszka Kłos, “Introduction: Environmental History of the Holocaust”, trans. Paul Vickers. Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020: 183-196.
[DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2020.1715533]

“The Environmental History of Mass Graves”, trans. Paul Vickers and Eliza Rose. Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020: 241-255 [DOI: 10.1080/14623528.2019.1657306].

“Troping Hayden White, Changing Metalanguage,” trans. ZhangZuocheng, The World History Review (China), theme issue: Hayden White and Contemporary Western Historical Consciousness, no. 3, 2020: 3-14. 尊敬的爱娃·多曼斯卡女士:您的论文《转义海登·怀特,改变元语言》,在中国中文核心期刊《世界历史评论》2020年第3期发表,本期主题为:海登·怀特与当代西方历史意识,论文页码范围为第3至14页。该文译者为哈尔滨师范大学历史文化学院副教授张作成。

Ewa Domańska, Monika Stobiecka, Archaeological Theory: Paradigm Shift, in: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, ed. Claire Smith, 2nd. ed. Cham: Springer, 2020: 555-561 [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30018-0_1557].


“Theory as the practice of freedom: Hayden White in East-Central Europe,” trans. Paul Vickers. Rethinking History, vol. 23, no. 4, 2019: 558-564 [DOI: 10.1080/13642529.2019.1679432].

History, Anthropogenic Soil and Unbecoming Human, trans. Eliza Rose, in: Dipesh Chakrabarty and the Global South Subaltern Studies, Postcolonial Perspectives, and the Anthropocene, ed. Saurabh Dube, Sanjay Seth, Ajay Skaria. London: Routledge, 2019: 201-214.


Posthumanist History (and polemics with Dominick LaCapra, “Comment on Posthumanist History;” Ewa Domanska, “Reply to Dominick LaCapra”), in: Debating New Approaches to History, ed. by Peter Burke and Marek Tamm. London: Bloomsbury, 2018: 327-352.

“Is This Stone Alive? Prefiguring the Future Role of Archaeology.” Norwegian Archaeological Review, vol. 51, no. 1-2, 2018: 22-35 [DOI: 10.1080/00293652.2018.1553060].

The Eco-Ecumene and Multispecies History: The Case of Abandoned Protestant Cemeteries in Poland, in: Multispecies Archaeology, trans. Paul Vickers, ed. by Suzanne E. Pilaar Birch. London and New York: Routledge, 2018: 118-132.

“Affirmative Humanities”, trans. Paul Vickers. Dějiny - teorie – kritika [history – theory – criticism], no. 1, 2018: 9-26.

“Hayden White’s Anthropocentric Posthumanism”. Práticas da História. A Journal on Theory, History and Uses of the Past (Portugal). [Special issue The History of Hayden White], no. 6, 2018: 89-95.

“Ecological Humanities”, trans. into Chinese by ZhangZuocheng, The Northern Forum (China), no. 2, 2018: 13-22.

La justicia epistémica y la descolonización del poscolonialismo (caso de Europa Central y del Este), trans. Iwona Stoińska-Kairska, in: Spain – India – Russia. Centres, Borderlands and Peripheries of Civilizations, edited by Jan Stanisław Ciechanowski, Cristina González Caizán. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowe Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2018: 449-459.


“Animal History.” History and Theory, vol. 56, no. 2, June 2017: 267-287.

Constituição do ancestral retroativo, novo animismo e modernidades alternativas, in: Do Passado Histórico Ao Passado Prático: 40 anos de Meta-História, ed. Julio Bentivoglio, Verónica Tozzi. Serra (Brasil): Milfontes, 2017: 97-122.

Dehumanisation Through Decomposition and the Force of Law, trans. by Paul Vickers, in: Mapping the ‘Forensic Turn:’ The Engagements with Materialities of Mass Death in Holocaust Studies and Beyond, ed. by Zuzanna Dziuban. Vienna: new academic press, 2017: 89-104.

“The Paradigm Shift in the Contemporary Human and Social Sciences", trans. into Chinese by ZhangZuocheng, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) (China), no. 5, October 2017: 1-10. [尊敬的爱娃·多曼斯卡女士:您的论文《当代人文与社会科学的范式转换》,在中国中文核心期刊《东北农业大学学报(社会科学版)》,2017年第5期发表,页码为第1至10页。该文译者为哈尔滨师范大学历史文化学院副教授张作成。]

“Une conversation avec Hayden White”, in: Hayden White, L'Histoire s'écrit. Essais, recensions, interviews, traduit et présenté par Philippe Carrard. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2017: 254-277.

“Рятувальна історія” [Rescue History], trans. by Irina i Volodymyr Sklokin / Ірини і Володимира Склокіних. Ейдос / Ejdos [Ukraine], no. 9, 2016/7: 129-144.

PLUS translation from English into Polish 28 articles by Frank Ankersmit, Dipesh Chakrabarty, René Girard, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, bell hooks and Hayden White (among others).


(selection, out of Poland / out of total invited 145 conference talks in 1995-2023)


6-10 November 2023 – Lessons & Legacies 2023 “Bridging Disciplines, Histories, and Cultures”, Prague (Czech Republic). Organizing (with Tim Cole), introduction and chairing the session “What can Environmental Histories Bring to Holocaust Studies?”

28-30 September 2023 – the 24th International Conference on the History of Concepts: Agency of Concepts in Interface Regions: Asymmetries, Asynchronities, and Discontinuations, Warsaw, Poland. Participant of the panel discussion: “Modern Humanities and the Question of Scientific Prejudices” and chairing the session: “Theory of Conceptual History.”

26-28 June 2023 – international conference “Passados em Transe: Meta-história e o Brasil 50 anos depois”, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil. Talk: “Hayden White and the Metaphysics of History” (ZOOM).


21-27 August 2022 – 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences, Poznań 2020/2022, Poznań. 1) Inaugural Lecture: “Wondering about History in Times of Permanent Crisis”; 2) co-organizer (with Kate Teimoney, USA) round table (RT08) “Innovative Approaches to Holocaust & Genocide Studies: Theoretical Perspectives and Prospectives”; 3) session paper: “Hayden White and the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography” (IAO09 - “Between Georg Iggers and Hayden White: Forty Years of the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography”).

26–29 April 2022 - 4th INTH Network Conference: ‘Media, Mediations and Mediators: (Re) Mediating History in the 21st Century’ (Puebla, Mexico). Paper: “Homo – humus – humanitas: Bridging Soil and Historical Sciences” and participant in the “Final Round Table” (ZOOM).

24-25 March 2022 – Intra/Sections. Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicity, Berlin Institute for Critical Inquiry, Berlin. Keynote: “Animism as Relational Epistemology and Ontology” (ZOOM).


26-28 August 2021 – international conference “Biotoopia” (Viinistu, Estonia), Estonian Anthropocene Center NGO. Plenary Speech: „Collecting Bald Cypress Knees: An Exercise in Symbiotic Interaction”.

2 May 2021 - “The Archaeological Now - Future World Building”, TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group), Stanford University (ZOOM) – participant of the round table discussion.


4-26 November 2020 - keynote: “Environmental Holocaust: Chances and Challenges” (session: Forensic Environments of the Holocaust and its Memory 18 November 2020) and a participant of the panel discussion on “Holocaust between the Local and the Global” (26 November 2020). Online conference (International Conference: Holocaust between Global and Local Perspectives, 10th Genealogies of Memory).


23-26 October 2018 – international conference “Humanities in Transition”. Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), Barcelona. Keynote: “Posthumanist History and the Paradigm Change in the Humanities and Social Sciences”.

5-8 September 2018 – 24th European Association of Archaeologists Meeting, Barcelona - „Reflecting Futures.” 1) Session 151: “Boundary Bodies: Critically Thinking the Body in Contemporary (Osteo)Archaeology. Paper: “Necroagency.” 2) Session 442: “Pan-Disciplinary Research and the Future Role of Archaeology”. Paper: “Is this Stone Alive? Prefiguring the Future Role of Archaeology”.

24-25 August 2018 – international conference: “What are Historians Doing: Practice and Pragmatics of Historical Writing”. Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia. Paper: “The Paternalistic Liberation of History by Theory”.

20-22 August 2018 – international conference: 3rd International Network for Theory of History Conference „Place and Displacement. The Spacing of History,” Södertön University, Stockholm, Sweden. Paper: “Historical Theory and the Forensic Turn” [also: co-organization of the plenary session with María Inés La Greca, Argentina, “Globalizing Hayden White” – paper: “Hayden White: ‘Education as the Practice of Freedom’. The Case of East-Central Europe”].

27-29 June 2018 – international conference: III Jornadas Nacionales de Filosofía y Epistemología de la Historia “Políticas del tiempo y políticas de la historia”. Keynote: “Forensic Turn, Holocaust and Historians”. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina.


1-2 December 2017 – international conference „Theorizing Historical Culture” (Hellenic Open University, Historein, Netherlands Institute at Athens, Athens, Greece). Conference paper: Testimonial Injustice. Polish Debates About the Exhumation in Jedwabne.

5-7 July 2017 – international conference “New Directions of the Humanities in a Knowledge Society” (Imperial College London, London). Plenary speech: “Prefigurative Humanities”.

24-25 February 2017 – international conference „All Things Living and Not: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Non-Anthropocentric Perspectives in Slavic Studies.” (Columbia University, New York, USA). Keynote: German Protestant Cemeteries in Poland (Eco-Necro Perspective).


(selection, out of Poland / out of total 195 guest lectures, seminars and talks in 1995-2023)


1 May 2023 – guest talk “How can history be used to point to the future?, Department of Philosophy, University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA

20 April 2023 – series: Wesleyan Seminar on the Theory & Practice of History, guest talk: “Indigenizing the Future of Knowledges of the Past (Notes from the Field)”, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

9 February 2023 – guest talk for the panel discussion: “History and its Discontents” (with Francois Hartog, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Tanika Sarkar, Shahid Amin). University of Chicago Center in Delhi, Delhi, India


3 November 2022 – “New Trends in the Humanities and Social Science.” Guest lecture – invitation from History Department, Northeast Normal University, China, org. dr Zhang Zuocheng (ZOOM)

14 October 2022 – Ewa Domańska and Taynna Marino international colloquium, „History Beyond Anthropocentrism”. Instituto de Historia Contemporanea. Faculdade de Ciencias Sociales e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

23 September 2022 – guest lecture (seria: „Public History Seminar in Japan”, org. Michihiro Okamoto, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan (ZOOM)

31 May 2022 – guest lecture: “Shifts, Turns and Returns in the Contemporary Humanities” ( “History, Environment, and Knowledge in the Anthropocene” organized by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Graduate Program in History of Science and Health, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (ZOOM)

27 May 2022 – commentator in a seminar “Political Ecologies: Socialism & Stuff.” Materia, DLCL, Stanford University (Laurence Coderre, Newborn Socialist Things: Materiality in Maoist China. Duke, 2021)

6 May 2022 – guest seminar (with Łukasz Mieszkowski) „The Future of Holocaust Sites”, CREEES, Stanford University


6-10 December 2021 – series of guest seminars: „Alternatives and resistances to Western modernity: indigenous ecologies and new animism” (10 ha). Scuola Superiore di Catania, Meditteranean University Center, Italy

10-12 May 2021 – Interdisciplinary Online Workshop “Animal (Pre)History, Agency & Legacy”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University, Germany. Introductory lecture: “Historicizing Animals” (ZOOM)

16 March 2021 – participant of a Webinar commemorating the 20th anniversary of the publication of Dipesh Chakrabarty's path-breaking Provincializing Europe. University of Chicago. Center in Paris (ZOOM)


14 February 2020 – guest lecture: “Forensic Truth: Polish Debates about Exhumation in Jedwabne”. Centre for European Studies, Lund University, Royal Society of Letters at Lund, Sweden.


9-12 September 2019 – 4 guest seminars for doctoral students “How to theorize art today”? Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia

29 August 2019 – guest lecture “Vestiges”. Department of History and Philosophy, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.

28 January - 1 February 2019 - 8th Winter School of the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts: The Humanities and Posthumanities: New Ways of Being Human – keynote lecture: “Unbecoming human: Merging humanities and soil science”, Tallinn University, Estonia


22 November 2018 – “Ar istorija vis dar įmanoma po europocentrizmo ir antropocentrizmo? (Is history after Anthropocentrism and Europocentrism still possible?), debate with Alfredas Bumblauskas, moderator: Aurimas Švedas. The Open Lithuania Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2 July 2018 – seminar for PhD students: "Theoretical approaches to the ontology of human dead body and remains". Metahistoria Group, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

27-29 June 2018 – international conference: III Jornadas Nacionales de Filosofía y Epistemología de la Historia “Políticas del tiempo y políticas de la historia”. Workshop: “Ecological Humanities”. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina.

31 May 2018 - "The Haunting Past of History and its Future-to-Come. (Comments on Ethan Kleinberg’s Haunting History: For a Deconstructive Approach to the Past)." The Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL), Stanford University.

25 January 2018 – guest lecture „Posthumanist History.” The Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.


16 November 2017 – „Forensic Truth. Polish Debates about the Exhumation in Jedwabne". Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, Spain (seminars: Políticas de la Memoria, Memorias de la Violencia - Investigador responsable: Francisco José Ferrándiz Martín).

June 2, 2017 – “Polish Debates about Exhumation in Jedwabne,” guest lectures, CREEES Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies, Stanford University

May 15, 2017 – „Necropersona. Beyond the Living/Dead Dychotomy”, Brown Bag’s talk, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University.

April 12, 2017 - “Unbecoming Human: Necrotic Metamorphosis”, guest lecture, Center for Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Cruz.


Since 2002 I collaborate with Stanford University (the School of Humanities and Sciences), where I have been conducting my own research and teaching research seminars (level 300 and since 2018 also - 100/200) during the Spring quarter mostly for doctoral students. Currently I hold the title of visiting professor – teaching & research. I was affiliated with the Department of Anthropology till 2019 and since 2020 with the Archaeology Center, in 2022 with French and Italian and in 2023 back with Anthropology. Since 2009 I am also affiliated faculty at the Center for Russian, East European & Euroasian Studies [CREEES].

The doctoral seminars that I have led at Stanford University since 2002 are:
  • cross-listed by the Department of Anthropology, Archaeology Center, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, French and Italian, Modern Language and Thought Program, and the Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies
  • designed as multi-, transdisciplinary (also in terms of merging humanities and social sciences with Earth and life sciences). I balance between archaeology, anthropology, history, literary studies and art history
  • the courses are designed as research seminars for students interested in theories and methods of social research. I advocate a bottom-up approach to theory building and I teach students how to formulate their own analytical categories and small range theories based on case study analysis. This courses also encourage students to use creative and unconventional methods of research (imagination, creative writing, walking, performances, etc.), when working on papers and individual projects,
  • each year I teach a different course whose topic corresponds to my current research project
  • the courses are dealing with emerging fields and/or current debates in the humanities and social sciences. I have explored themes including: Human/Non-Human (Continental Philosophy and the Human Sciences, 2008); Violence, the Sacred, and Rights of the Dead (2010); Theories of Resistance. Postsocialism, Postcolonialism, Postapartheid (2009); Biohumanities (2011); Introduction to Multispecies Theory of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2012), The Posthumanist Subject (2013), Genocides and Ecocides (2014), Animism and Alter-Native Modernities (2015), Post-Secular Humanities (2016), Ecological Humanities (2018); Political Exhumations: Killing Sites Research in Comparative Perspective (2020)
  • guest participants to these seminars have included Levi Bryant, Dipesh Chakrabarty, James Ferguson, Rene Girard, Ursula Heise, Ian Hodder, Lynn Meskell, Bjørnar Olsen, Richard Rorty, Anna Tsing and Hayden White

  • 10 Ph.D. thesis completed (6 summa cum laude), and 2 in progress
  • 31 M.A. thesis completed, and 1 in progress


Web of Science: publications – 31 / total times cited – 420 / H-Index – 10
Google Scholar: papers – 199 / cites – 4696 / H-Index - 30

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