Anna Dominiczak - Selected Publications#

H - index 106; 498 publications, cited 64,662 times

1. Carswell HVO, Anderson NH, Morton JJ, McCulloch J, Dominiczak AF, Macrae IM. Investigation of oestrogen status and increased stroke-sensitivity on cerebral blood flow following a focal ischaemic insult. J Cereb Flow Metabol 2000;20:931-936. PMID:10894176

2. Carswell HVO, Dominiczak AF, Macrae IM. Estrogen status affects sensitivity to focal cerebral ischemia in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ Physiol 2000;278:H290-H294. PMID:10644611

3. Negrin CD, McBride MW, Carswell HVO, Graham D, Carr FJ, Clark JS, Jeffs B, Anderson NH, Macrae M, Dominiczak AF. Reciprocal consomic strains to evaluate Y chromosome effects. Hypertension 2001;37:391-397. PMID:11230306

4. Charchar FJ, Tomaszewski M, Lacka B, Zakrzewski J, Zukowska-Szczechowska E, GrzeszczakW, Dominiczak AF. Association of the human Y chromosome with cholesterol levels in the general population. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2004;24:1-5. PMID:14684426

5. Charchar FJ, Bloomer LDS, Barnes TA, Cowley MJ, Nelson CP, Want Y, Denniff M, Debiec R, Christofidou P, Nankervis S, Dominiczak AF, Bani-Mustafa A, Balmforth A, Hall AS, Cambien F, Deloukas P, Hengstenberg C, Ouwehand W, Schunkert H, Packard C, Ford I, Goodall AH, Jobling MA, Samani EJ, Tomaszewski M. Inheritance of coronary artery disease in men: an analysis of the role of the Y chromosome. Lancet 2012;379:915-22. PMID:22325189

6. Padmanabhan S, 70 co-authors- then Dominiczak AF. Genomewide association study of blood pressure extremes identifies variant near UMOD associated with hypertension. PLoS Genet. 2010;6:e1001177. PMID:21082022

7. Graham LA, Padmanabhan S, Fraser NJ, Kumar S, Bates JM, Raffi HS, Welsh P, Beattie W, Ferreri NR, Hao S, Leh S, Hultstrom M, Dominiczak AF, Graham D, McBride MW. Validation of uromodulin as a candidate gene for human essential hypertension. Hypertension 2014;63:551-558. PMID:24324041

8. McGinnis R, then 31 co-authors, Dominiczak AF, then 12 co-authors, Morgan L. Variants 1 in the fetal genome near FLT1 are associated with risk of preeclampsia. Nature Genetics 2017;49:1255-1260. PMID:28628106

9. Padmanabhan S, Dominiczak AF. Genomics of Hypertension: The road to precision medicine. Nature Review Cardiology 2020; doi: 10.1038/s41569-020-00466-4

10. Padmanabhan S, Tran TQB, Dominiczak AF. Artificial Intelligence in Hypertension: Seeing Through a Glass Darkly. Circ Res. 2021; 128: 1100-1118

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