Schahram Dustdar - Curriculum Vitae#
Full CV and overview of the scientific track record is on

Short CV:
Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science (Informatics) with a focus on Internet Technologies heading the Distributed Systems Group. From 2004-2010 he was Honorary Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computing Science at the University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands. Since 2009 he is an ACM Distinguished Scientist. Recipient of the IBM Faculty Award 2012. He received his M.Sc. (1990) and PhD. degrees (1992) in Business Informatics from the University of Linz, Austria. In April 2003 he received his Habilitation degree (Venia Docendi) in Computer Science at TU Wien. His work experience includes several years as the founding head of the Center for Informatics (ZID) at the University of Art and Industrial Design in Linz (1991-1999), Austrian project manager of the MICE EU-project (1993 - 97), and director of Coordination Technologies at the Design Transfer Center in Linz (1999 - 2000). While on sabbatical leave he was a post-doctoral research scholar (Erwin-Schrödinger scholarship) at the London School of Economics (Information Systems Department) (1993 and 1994), and a visiting research scientist at NTT Multimedia Communications Labs in Palo Alto, USA during 1998. From 2007 - 2009 he was Chair of the IFIP Working Group 6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering and a founding member of the Scientific Academy of Service Technology.
From 1999 - 2007 he worked as the co-founder and chief scientist of Caramba Labs Software AG ( in Vienna (acquired by Engineering NetWorld AG), a venture capital co-funded software company focused on software for collaborative processes in teams. Caramba Labs was nominated for several (international and national) awards: World Technology Award in the category of Software (2001); Top-Startup companies in Austria (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) (2002); MERCUR Innovationspreis der Wirtschaftskammer (2002). From 2006-2012, Prof. Dustdar was on the management board of the Association of the alumni of the TU Wien.
In July 2005 he became full professor at the TU Vienna and started to build up from scratch his research group which grew to 35 full time members and some part time researchers. He was able to attract many excellent students and post-docs. Some of them have started to embark on their international careers into institutions including IBM TJ Watson Research, Microsoft, or the Australian CSIRO institute. Through these years he has secured more than 15M Euro in highly competitive research funding through national and EU FP6 and FP7 projects, as a project partner as well as a leading coordinator and principal investigator. In 2011 he established a joint cloud computing research lab

Five Most Important Review Activities, Editorships and Memberships in Professional Organisations:
- Computing (Springer), Editor in Chief, since 2011
- IEEE Internet Computing, Web-Scale Workflows (Editorial Board member and Department Editor), since 2011
- Steering committee member for IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing, technical area on "Workflow Management in Scalable Computing Environments", since 2007
- ICSOC 2007, International Conference on Service-oriented Computing, 2007, Vienna, Austria
- BPM 2006, International Conference on Business Process Management, 2006,Vienna, Austria