
Jerzy Duszynski - Selected publications#

  1. Duszynski, J., Mueller, G. and LaNoue, K. (1978) Microcompartmentation of aspartate in rat liver mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem., 253, 6149-6157.
  2. Wojtczak, L., Zolkiewska, A. and Duszynski, J. (1986) Energy storage capacity of the mitochondrial proton motive force. Bioch. Biophys. Acta, 851, 313 321.
  3. Corkey, B.E., Duszynski, J., Rich, T.L., Matschinsky, B. and Williamson, J.R. (1986) Regulation of Free and Bound Magnesium in Rat Hepatocytes and Isolated Mitochondria. J. Biol. Chem. 261, 2567 2574.
  4. Zabłocki, K., Szczapanowska, J. and Duszynski, J. (2005) Extracellular pH modifies mitochondrial control of capacitative calcium entry in Jurkat cells. J. Biol. Chem., 280, 3516-3521.
  5. Wieckowski MR, Giorgi C, Lebiedzinska M, Duszynski J, Pinton P. (2009) Isolation of mitochondria-associated membranes and mitochondria from animal tissues and cells. Nat Protoc., 4:1582-90.
  6. Czyz, A., Brutkowski, W., Fronk, J., Duszynski, J. and Zablocki, K.(2009) Tunicamycin desensitizes store-operated Ca2+ entry to ATP and mitochondrial potential. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 381: 176-80.
  7. Wojewoda M., Duszynski, J. and Szczepanowska, J. (2010) Mitochondrial biogenesis in human osteosarcoma cells with chronic mitochondrial stress. Bioch. Biophys. Acta - Bioenergetics, 1797: 890–896.
  8. Giorgi C, Ito K, Lin HK, Santangelo C, Wieckowski MR, Lebiedzinska M, Bononi A, Bonora M, Duszynski J, Bernardi R, Rizzuto R, Tacchetti C, Pinton P, Pandolfi PP. (2010) PML Regulates Apoptosis at Endoplasmic Reticulum Modulating Calcium Release. Science, 30: 1247-51.
  9. Wojewoda M, Duszyński J, Szczepanowska J. (2011) NARP mutation and mtDNA depletion trigger mitochondrial biogenesis which can be modulated by selenite supplementation. Int J Biochem Cell Biol., 43: 1178-1186.
  10. Szczepanowska J., Malinska D., Wieckowski MR Duszynski J., (2012) Effect of mtDNA point mutations on cellular bioenergetics. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics, in press.
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