
Dorothy Edgington - Selected Publications#

‘Compounds of Conditionals, Uncertainty and Indeterminacy’, in Logic and Uncertainty in the Human Mind: A Tribute to David Over, S. Elqayam, I. Douven, J. St B. T. Evans and N. Cruz (eds.), Routledge 2020

‘Counterfactual Conditionals’, in Routledge Handbook of Modality, Otavio Bueno and Scott A. Shalkowski (eds.), Routledge 2020.

‘Estimating Conditional Chances and Evaluating Counterfactuals’, Studia Logica, 102, 2014, pp. 691-707.

‘Causation First: Why Causation is Prior to Counterfactuals’, in C. Hoerl, T. McCormack and S. Beck (eds.), Understanding Counterfactuals/Understanding Causation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 230-241.

‘Possible Knowledge of Unknown Truth’, Synthese, 2010, pp. 41-52.

‘Counterfactuals and the Benefit of Hindsight’ in P. Dowe and P. Noordhof (eds.) Chance and Cause. Routledge: International Library of Philosophy, 2004, pp. 12-27.

‘Vagueness by Degrees’ in Rosanna Keefe and Peter Smith (eds) Vagueness: A reader. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1996, pp. 294-316.

‘On Conditionals’, Mind, 104, 1995, pp. 235-329.

‘Do Conditionals Have Truth Conditions?’ (expanded version) in Frank Jackson (ed.) Conditionals Oxford: Oxford Readings in Philosophy, 1991 pp. 176-201.

‘The Paradox of Knowability’, Mind 1985 pp. 557-568.

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