
Dieter H. Ehhalt - Selected publications#

  • D.H. Ehhalt, F. Rohrer, A.B. Kraus, M.J. Prather, D.R. Blake, F.S. Rowland, On the significance of regional trace gas distribution as derived from aircraft campaigns in PEM West A and B., J. Geophys. Res. (1997)
  • A. Hofzumahaus, U. Aschmutat, M. Heßling, F. Holland, D.H. Ehhalt, The measurement of tropospheric OH radicals by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy during the POPCORN field campaign. Geophys. Res. Lett. 23, 2541-2544 (1996)
  • T. Brauers, U. Aschmutat, U. Brandenburger, H.-P. Dorn, M. Hausmann, M. Heßling, A. Hofzumahaus, F. Holland, C. Plaß-Dülmer, D.H. Ehhalt, Intercomparison of tropospheric OH radical measurements by multiple folded laser long-path absorption and laser induced fluorescence. Geophys. Res. Lett. 23, 2545-2548 (1996)
  • D.W. Arlander, D. Brüning, U. Schmidt, and D.H. Ehhalt, The tropospheric distribution of formaldehyde during TROPOZ II. J. Atmospheric Chemistry 22, 251-269 (1995)
  • D.H. Ehhalt, and F. Rohrer, The impact of commercial aircraft on tropospheric ozone. In: "The Chemistry of the Atmosphere - Oxidants & Oxidation in the Earth's Atmosphere", A.R. Bandy (Ed.), The Royal Society of Chemistry, Special Publication No. 170, p. 105-120 (1995)
  • D.H. Ehhalt, On the photochemical oxidation of natural trace gases and man made pollutants in the troposphere. The Science of the Total Environment 143 1-15 (1994)
  • D.H. Ehhalt, F. Rohrer, and A. Wahner, Sources and distribution of NOx in the upper troposphere at northern midlatitudes. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 3725-3738 (1992)

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