Ralf Erdmann - Selected Publications#

Citations: 7.552 (Web of Science); 12.114 (Google Scholar) 8.755 (Scopus)
h-index: 48 (Web of Science); 63 (Google Scholar); 53 (Scopus)

Kalel VC, Li M, Gaussmann S, Delhommel F, Schäfer AB, Tippler B, Jung M, Maier R, Oeljeklaus S, Schliebs W, Warscheid B, Sattler M, Erdmann R (2019). Evolutionary divergent PEX3 is essential for glycosome biogenesis and survival of trypanosomatid parasites.
BBA Mol Cell Res, 1866

Schwerter DP, Grimm I, Girzalsky W, Erdmann R (2018). Receptor recognition by the peroxisomal AAA-complex depends on the presence of the ubiquitin moiety and is mediated by Pex1p. J Biol Chem 293, 15458-470.

Dawidowski M, Emmanouilidis L, Kalel VC, Tripsianes K, Schorpp K, Hadian K, Kaiser M, Mäser P, Kolonko M, Tanghe S, Rodriguez A, Schliebs W, Erdmann R*, Sattler M*, Popowicz GM* (2017). Inhibitors of PEX14 disrupt protein import into glycosomes and kill Trypanosoma parasites. Science 355 (6332), 1416-20. (*corresponding authors)

Effelsberg D, Cruz-Zaragoza LD, Schliebs W, Erdmann R (2016). Pex9p is a new yeast peroxisomal import receptor for PTS1-containing proteins. J Cell Sci 129 (21), 4057-66.

Montilla-Martinez M, Beck S, Klümper J, Meinecke M, Schliebs W, Wagner R, Erdmann R (2015).

Distinct pores for peroxisome import of PTS1 and PTS2 proteins. Cell Reports 13 (10), 2126-34.

Effelsberg D, Cruz-Zaragoza LD, Tonillo J, Schliebs W, Erdmann R (2015). Role of Pex21p for piggyback import of Gpd1p and Pnc1p into peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 290 (42), 25333-42.

Meinecke M, Cizmowski C, Schliebs W, Krüger V, Beck S, Wagner R, Erdmann R (2010) The peroxisomal importomer constitutes a large and highly dynamic pore. Nature Cell Biol 12:273-7

Schliebs W, Girzalsky W, Erdmann R (2010) Peroxisomal protein import and ERAD: variations on a common theme. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 11 (12), 885-90

Platta, HW, Grunau, S, Rosenkranz, K, Girzalsky, W, Erdmann, R (2005) Functional role of the AAA peroxins in dislocation of the cycling PTS1 receptor back to the cytosol. Nature Cell Biol. 8:817-822

Erdmann R, Schliebs W (2005) Peroxisomal matrix protein import: the transient pore model. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 6 (9) , 738-42

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