Edzard Ernst - Biography#

In 1977, I qualified as a physician at the LMU in Munich where he also completed my MD and PhD theses. I was Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) at Hannover Medical School (Germany) and Head of PMR at the University of Vienna (Austria). I came to the University of Exeter in 1993 to establish the world’s first Chair in Complementary Medicine. I am/was founder/Editor-in-Chief of 3 medical journals (‘Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies’, ‘European Journal of Physical medicine and Rehabilitation’ and ‘Perfusion’). My work has been awarded with 17 scientific awards and two Visiting Professorships (Canada and US). I served on the ‘Medicines Commission’ of the British ‘Medicines and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency’ (1994 – 2005). According to Ioannidis et al (2020) “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”, I am ranked No 107 amongst the 160 000 most-cited scientists of all disciplines worldwide. I have published >1000 scientific articles (H-Index=157), > 50 books, translated into over a dozen languages, >100 book-chapters. I have given > 700 invited lectures worldwide, supervised >50 MD and PhD theses, and acted as an expert witness for legal disputes in the UK, US and Canada.

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