
Francesco Fedi - Short Biography#

Born in Rome, Italy. Diploma of “Maturità Classica”. Dr. Ing. degree “summa cum laude” from Rome University . Fulbright scholar. Master of Science in the USA. Professor of "Radio Spectrum Utilization" and of “Radiocommunications” University of Notre Dame (USA), of Rome and Bologna (Italy). Director of research in radiocommunications, optical communications, information security, and multimedia communications. Author or co-author of more than 150 scientific papers on radiopropagation, radiometeorology and communication systems. "Bonazzi" and "Marconi” prize. His method for the design of millimeter waves radiocommunications systems is recommended by the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU) and adopted worldwide. "Diplôme d'honneur" from the International Radio Consultative Committee “for his outstanding contributions to the progress of Telecommunications”. Active in international and European normative, standardization and research organizations. “Diplôme de reconnaissance” “en témoignage de la contribution apportée aux travaux de l’Union Internationale des Telecommunications”. Chairman of the Commission on “Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing”of the International Union of Radio Science. Active in the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology ( COST) since 1971. Chairman of two COST Actions. Chairman of the COST Technical Committee “Telecommunications and Information Science”. In 2004 elected President of the COST Committee of Senior Officials, the highest decision-making body of COST, first Italian to assume this Presidency , with the unanimous support from the representatives of the 35 COST countries. In 2007 re-elected President of COST for another triennium. In July 2010 elected President of the COST Office Association, a non-profit International association under the Belgian law established to give COST a legal status. Francesco Fedi is Honorary Member of Academia Europaea.

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