
Andreas Fickers - Selected Publications#

Fickers, Andreas / Balbi, Gabriele (eds.) History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational Techno-Diplomacy from the Telegraph to the Internet. Berlin: De Gruyter 2020 (forthcoming).

Update für die Hermeneutik. Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Forensik? Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History Vol 15 (2020) 1 (accepted and forthcoming).

Making Europe - the hidden integration and fragmentation of Europe through the lens of technology, in: Contemporanea. Rivista di Storia dell’800 e ‘900 1 (2020) (accepted and forthcoming).

The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences, in: Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preschton, Susanne Kinnebrock (eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History. Wiley / Blackwell: Hoboken (2020), pp. 239-255 (co-authored with Anne-Katrin Weber and Dana Mustata).

Fickers, Andreas / Franz, Norbert / Laux, Stephan (eds.) Repression, Reform und Neuordnung im Zeitalter der Revolutionen. Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa. Berlin: Peter Lang 2019.

Fickers, Andreas / Griset, Pascal, Communicating Europe. Technologies, Information, Events 1850-2000, Palgrave/MacMillan: Basingstoke 2019.

Aasman, Susan / Fickers, Andreas / Wachelder, Joseph (eds.) Materializing Memories. Dispositifs, Generations, Amateurs. New York: Bloomsbury 2018.

Kompromissgeschichte serviert auf dem "tablet": Das Haus der europäischen Geschichte in Brüssel, in: Zeithistorische Forschungen 15 (2018), pp. 173-183.

The Emergence of Television as a Conservative Media Revolution: Historicising a Process of Remediation in the Post-war Western European Mass Media Ensemble, in: Journal of Modern European History 10 (2012) 1, pp. 49-75.

Presenting the "window on the world" to the world. Competing narratives of the presentation of television at the World's Fairs in Paris (1937) and New York (1939), in: Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television 28 (2008) 3, pp. 291-310.

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