
David Fitzpatrick - Major Publications#

2014 Descendancy: Irish Protestant Histories since 1795 (Cambridge UP). Pp x, 271.
'The cumulative effect is a wholly new perspective of an understudied aspect of modern history which has much to offer in terms of understanding current events in Northern Ireland' (ex-Senator Dr Maurice Hayes, Irish Independent)
'a necessary book. Irish Protestantism has been more often stereotyped than understood. David Fitzpatrick teases out the complex, fraying strands of Protestant denominational and communal life in a way that clarifies the sectarian dimension of Irish politics from 1800 to today. His work combines meticulous micro-history, analytical sweep, a cold eye, and an edge of controversy' (Edna Longley)

2012 Solitary and Wild: Frederick MacNeice and the Salvation of Ireland (Lilliput Press, Dublin). Pp viii, [16: ill.], 427.
'He applies a historian's eye to material which had previously been the preserve of the literary critic' (Maurice Hayes again, Irish Independent)
'Ostensibly a biography of Frederick MacNeice, father of the poet Louis, it is also a social history of Ireland and a corrective to the uncritical acceptance of the man that both Frederick and Louis played part in creating' (Lauren Arrington , TLS)

2012 'The price of Balbriggan', in Terror in Ireland, 1916–1923, ed. David Fitzpatrick (Trinity History Workshop and Lilliput Press, Dublin). Pp. 75–101.

2011 'Synge and modernity in "The Aran Islands"', in Synge and Edwardian Ireland, ed. Brian Cluffe and Nicholas Grene (Oxford UP). Pp. 121–58.

2010 ‘Yeats and Sligo’, in Yeats in Context, ed. Ben Levitas and David Holdeman (Cambridge UP). Pp 69–79.

2003 Harry Boland’s Irish Revolution (Cork UP). Paperback edition, 2004. Pp xii, [32: ill.], 450.
'His earlier published work was notable for path-braking approaches on social and economic themes, a long way removed from the Irish taste for a sympathetic narrative account of Republican struggle. His massive scholarship and detached viewpoint , however, place this on a different level from almost all earlier biographies of leading figures. ... Rarely has the intimate world of the Republican revolutionary been so accurately depicted' (Michael Hopkinson, Irish Review)
'It reflects Professor Fitzpatrick's remarkable skills as a researcher and as a fine historical writer' (Richard English, English Hist. Rev.)
'David Fitzpatrick's previous work has also, quite often, provoked controversy. He has indeed been an inveterate iconoclast in Irish historical debate, and one whose approach and methodology has clearly been a major influence on [Peter]] Hart. Fitzpatrick's major biography of Harry Boland is a less combative work' (Stephen Howe, Jnl of Modern History)

1998 The Two Irelands, 1912–1939 (Oxford UP). Pp xvi, 301.

1998 Politics and Irish Life, 1913–21: Provincial Experience of War and Revolution (Cork UP; 1st edn 1977). Pp xx, 324.

1995 ‘The logic of collective sacrifice: Ireland and the British Army, 1914–1918’, Historical Journal, xxxviii, no. 4. Pp 1017–30.

1995 Oceans of Consolation: Personal Accounts of Irish Migration to Australia (Cornell UP, Ithaca; Cork UP; Melbourne UP). Pp xiv, 649.
'Oceans of Consolation is a book of studied tracings, with enough material to give us a picture not only of the context but of the people who wrote the letters. ... [it] has the depth and narrative range of a novel' (Colm Toibin, London Review of Books)
'Fitzpatrick has done something quite radical, something that ten years ago might have been ridiculed: he has listened to his sources and he has ably demonstrated the kind of knowledge that is there to find' (Patrick O'Sullivan, Irish Studies Review)
'David Fitzpatrick's Oceans of Consolation is the most important work in Irish diaspora studies to appear in the last two decades. ... What Fitzpatrick has done in this book is to show all of us who use emigrant letters that we have not been working hard enough: that we have been frightfully lazy, indeed derelict, in the ways in which we have approached letters as evidentiary artefact' (Donald Harman Akenson, International History Review)
'At once incisive and discursive, Fitzpatrick's commentary is as eloquent as his subjects; a book of encompassing richness, which has a very fair claim to being a masterpiece' (Roy Foster, TLS)
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