
Costas Galiotis - Selected Publications#

Scientific Metrics: H-index = 57. 18806 citations, 216 papers, 5 Refereed reviews, 9 Selected Books or Book Chapters, 3 patents

1. Ch. Androulidakis, EN Koukaras, G Paterakis, G Trakakis, C Galiotis; "Tunable macroscale structural superlubricity in two-layer graphene via strain engineering". Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-11, 2020, Cited 16 times

2. MGP Carbone, AC Manikas, I Souli, C Pavlou, C Galiotis; "Mosaic pattern formation in exfoliated graphene by mechanical deformation". Nature Communications 10 (1), 1-7, 2019, Cited 22 times

3. C Galiotis, O Frank, EN Koukaras, D Sfyris; "Graphene mechanics: current status and perspectives". Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 6, 121-140, 2015, Cited 75 times

4. C Androulidakis, EN Koukaras, J Parthenios, G Kalosakas, K Papagelis, C Galiotis; "Graphene flakes under controlled biaxial deformation". Scientific Reports 5 (1), 1-11, 2015, Cited 61 times

5. Z Li, IA Kinloch, RJ Young, KS Novoselov, G Anagnostopoulos, J Parthenios, C Galiotis, K Papagelis, Ch-Yu Lu, L Britnell; "Deformation of wrinkled graphene" . ACS Nano 9 (4), 3917-3925, 2015, Cited 113 times

6. Ch Androulidakis, G Tsoukleri, N Koutroumanis, G Gkikas, P Pappas, J Parthenios, K Papagelis, C Galiotis; "Experimentally derived axial stress–strain relations for two-dimensional materials such as monolayer graphene". Carbon 81, 322-328, 2015, Cited 47 times

7. G Anagnostopoulos, C Androulidakis, EN Koukaras, G Tsoukleri, I Polyzos, J Parthenios, K Papagelis, C Galiotis; "Stress transfer mechanisms at the submicron level for graphene/polymer systems". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (7), 4216-4223, 2015, Cited 87 times

8. O Frank, G Tsoukleri, I Riaz, K Papagelis, J Parthenios, AC Ferrari, AK Geim, KS Novoselov, C Galiotis; "Development of a universal stress sensor for graphene and carbon fibres". Nature Communications 2 (1), 1-7, 2011, Cited 188 times

9. O Frank, G Tsoukleri, J Parthenios, K Papagelis, I Riaz, R Jalil, KS Novoselov, C Galiotis; "Compression behavior of single-layer graphenes". ACS Nano 4 (6), 3131-3138, 2010, Cited 324 times

10. V Datsyuk, M Kalyva, K Papagelis, J Parthenios, D Tasis, A Siokou, I Kallitsis, C Galiotis; "Chemical oxidation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes". Carbon 46 (6), 833-840, 2008, Cited 2597 times

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