Alfonso Gambardella - Biography#

PhD from Stanford, currently professor of Management and Head of the Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University, Gambardella studies firm strategy, particularly technology strategy and the impact of innovation on industry structures. He published on national and international journals. His best known book is Markets for Technology (2001, MIT Press, with A.Arora and A.Fosfuri). He is currently Department Editor of Business Strategy at Management Science (with Joshua Gans), Fellow of the Strategic Management Society, and Research Fellow of CEPR, London. He was Chair of the Business Policy and Strategy Division of the US Academy of Mangement in 2015 - 2016, and visiting professor of the Department of Economics of Stanford University (1995 - 1996, 2003 and 2005) and of the Sloan School of MIT (2015 - 2016). He has participated in numerous research projects of the European Commission and other research agencies.

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