
Oliver Grau - Selected Publications#

Oliver Grau is the exclusive author of seven books and edited volumes with approx. 135 reviews, 79 scientific articles 1994-2015, and 4300+ citations (H-Index 16, i-Index 27) and three published scientific online archives (with several thousand reviewed artworks, artist bios and data). His most cited and perhaps most influential publication, Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion (2900 citations excluding the Chinese translation), offered for the first time a historic comparison in image-viewer theory of immersion as well as a systematic analysis of the triad of artist, work and viewer under the conditions of Digital Art.

New Media Art, in: Prof. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann et. al. (Eds.): Oxford Bibliographies in Art History. New York: Oxford University Press.

Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion, Cambridge/Mass.: MIT-Press 2003 (4th edition). Transl. appeared in China (2006), Brazil (2007); Serbia (2008) and will appear in Korean and Polish. It is Grau's most cited [2900+ citations (google scholar) excluding the Chinese translation]] and probably most influential publication. Besides W.J.T. Mitchell's "What Do Pictures Want?", it is the most quoted book in Art History worldwide since 2000. ("Virtual Art" offered for the first time a historic comparison in image-viewer thoery of immersion as well as a systematic analysis of the triad of artist, work and viewer under the conditions of Digital Art.) It was selected as "Scientific American Book of the Month" and has received more than 90 international reviews.

Migration, Climate, Surveillance – What does Media Arts Complexity want? Introduction of the session: Motion: Migrations: 35th CIHA World Congress 2022: Proceedings, forthcoming 2024.

Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving, Opening Remarks, 25years of the Archive of Digital Art (ADA), ISEA2023 Paris. Proceedings, forthcoming 2024.

Revealing Higher Impact of Media Art Archiving (with Alexander Wöran a.o.), in: ISEA2022, S. 2012, doi:10.7238/ISEA2022, Proceedings, Barcelona 2022.

Interconnecting Archives: Paving a Path Forward, (with Bonnie Mitchell a.o.), in: ISEA2022, S. 2015–2018, doi:10.7238/ISEA2022, Proceedings, Barcelona 2022.

Digital Art’s Political Impact: Time for Hard Humanities! in: Oliver Grau und Inge Hinterwaldner (Ed.): Retracing Political Dimensions: Strategies in Contemporary New Media Art, DeGruyter, Berlin, New York 2021, 34-53.

With Inge Hinterwaldner, Introduction, in: Oliver Grau und Inge Hinterwaldner (Ed.): Retracing Political Dimensions: Strategies in Contemporary New Media Art, DeGruyter, Berlin, New York 2021, 9-18.

With Wendy Jo Coones: Museum Network for Digital Arts: A concerted collection, documentation, and conservation strategy, Keynote, ISEA Montreal 2020, Proceedings.

Grau, O.; Haller, S.; a.o. (2019). Documenting Media Art: An Archive and Bridging Thesaurus for MediaArtHistories, in: LEONARDO, 52: 435-441.

Resisting a Total Loss of Digital Heritage Web 2.0-archiving & bridging thesaurus for media art. In: Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth und Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Digital Art through the Looking Glas New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital Humanities, Krems an der Donau 2019, 193-204.

O vizualni moci digitalnih umetnosti. Za novo arhivsko in muzejsko infrastrukturo v 21. stoletju / On the Visual Power of Digital arts. For a new archive and museum infrastructure in the 21 Century. Likovne besede Art Words, 2018, 110: 4-8.

Perspective, in: Architektura in Subjektivacija, XLVI, 2018, 69-78.

'The Living Archive' of Digital Arts - Web 2.0 & 3.0 and the Bridging Thesaurus. Electronic Media and Visual Arts, int. Conference proceedings, Kulturforum Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 2018: 230-237.

Telepräsenz: Zu Genealogie und Epistemologie von Interaktion und Simulation. In: Lars Grabbe, Immersion - Design -Art: Revisited: Transmediale Formprinzipien neuzeitlicher Kunst und Technologie (Bewegtbilder), Büchner Verlag, Marburg, 2018, 26-43.

Resisting a total loss of Digital Heritage. EVA conference (Ed. Vito Capellini), 2018: 119-128.

Digital Art’s Complex Expression and its impact on Archives and Humanities: For a Concerted Museum-Network of Expertise and Preservation, in: Museum and Archive on the Move: Changing Cultural Institutions in the Digital Era, ed. by O. Grau, W. Coones and V. Rühse, Berlin/Boston 2017, 99-117.

DOCUMENTING MEDIA ART: 201 Towards a social WEB 2.0-Archive for MediaArtHistories and an integrative Bridging Thesaurus, 18. Tagungsband des Verb. österreichischer Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker (VöKK), Wien, 2017.

On a Political Iconography of Information Societies, in: Proceedings of the 34th Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, CIHA, Beijing 2017.

Telepräsenz. Zu Genealogie und Epistemologie von Interaktion und Simulation“, in: Norbert M. Schmitz Hg. u.a. Immersion, Büchner Verlag 2017, 26-42.

Alguma vez nos vamos habituar à imersão? Histórias da Arte dos Media & Ciência da Imagem - Will we ever become used to Immersion? Media Art Histories & Image Science, in: Victor Flores (Ed.): A terceira Imagem - A Fotografia Estereoscópica em Portugal, Documenta, Lisbon 2016, 39-62.

Documenting Media Art, 18. Tagungsband des Verbandes österreichischer Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker, Wien 2017.

The Complex and Multifarious Expression of Digital Art & Its Impact on Archives and Humanities, in: Christiane Paul (Ed.): A Companion to Digital Art, New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 23-45.

Neue Analyseinstrumente für die historisch vergleichende Bildforschung: Von der Druckgraphik des 17. Jh. Bis zur Medienkunst, in: Kongress der österreichischen Historiker 2012 (Proceedings), Vienna 2015, 481-493.

ARCHIVE 2.0: Media Arts Impact and the Need for (Digital) Humanities, in: Giselle Beiguelman (Ed.): (itaú cultural), Sao Paulo 2014, 97-118.

IMAGES (R)-EVOLUTION: Image Science and Digital Humanities, in: The Second International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture, Proceedings, University of New South Wales, Australia 2014.

Druckgrafik bis Medienkunst, in: Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 21 (2014), No. 1/2 N.F. 81/82, 108-116.

New Perspectives for the (Digital) Humanities, in: The Challenge of the Object, Congress Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art. T. 1-3. Ed. by G. Ulrich Großmann/Petra Krutisch, Nuremberg 2013, 990-994.

"Pamiętajcie fantasmagorię! Osiemnastowieczna polityka iluzji i jej multimedialne życie po życiu", transl. Joanna Walewska, in: Sztuka i filozofia (“Art and Philosophy”), University of Warsaw, 41/2012, pp. 24-39.

Media Art Explores Image Histories: New Tools for our Field”, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2011, Istanbul 2012.

The History of Telepresence: Automata, Illusion and Rejecting the Body // 2000, in: Jeffrey Kastner (Ed.): Nature - Documents of Contemporary Art, Cambridge: MIT Press 2012, 121-124.

“Phantasmagorical Visual Magic of the 18th Century and Its Afterlife in Media Art”, in: International Journal of Cultural Research, The project of St. Petersburg, Branch of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research, 1(6), 2012, 101-110.

W glab obrazu, in: Antropologia kultury wizualnej: Zagadnienia i wybór tekstów, University of Warsaw 2012, 671-679.

Media Art needs Histories and Archives: New Perspectives for the (Digital) Humanities”, in: Proceedings of the Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia (#ART), Anais do #10.ART Brazil 2011.

Imagery in the 21st Century (Ed.), Cambridge/Mass.: MIT-Press 2011.

MediaArtHistories (Ed.), Cambridge/Mass.: MIT-Press 2007. Translations appeared in Portuguese (Brazil) and Macedonian (forthcoming in Russian, Korean and French).

Mediale Emotionen: Zur Lenkung von Gefühlen durch Bild und Sound (co-edited with Andreas Keil), Frankfurt: Fischer 2005. (Medial Emotions: Regarding the Guidance of Feelings by Image and Sound)

“New Perspectives for the (Digital) Humanities”, in: The Challenge of the Object, Congress Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art. T. 1-3. Ed. by G. Ulrich Großmann/Petra Krutisch, Nürnberg 2013, p. 990-994.

“Phantasmagorischer Bildzauber des 18. Jh. und sein Nachleben in der Medienkunst”, in: Brigitte Felderer (Ed.): Rare Künste: Zur Kultur und Mediengeschichte der Zauberkunst, Wien 2006, pp. 461-480.

"Druckgrafik bis Medienkunst: Neue Analyseinstrumente für die historisch vergleichende Bildforschung", in: Rundbrief Fotografie, Vol. 21 (2014), No. 1/2 [N.F. 81/82]], pp. 108-116.

"Vorsicht! Es scheint, dass er direkt auf die Dunkelheit zustürzt, in der Sie sitzen." Immersions- und Emotionsforschung, Kernelemente der Bildwissenschaft, in: Klaus Herding/Antje Krause-Wahl (Eds.): Wie sich Gefühle Ausdruck verschaffen, Taunusstein 2007, pp. 263-288.

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