Florian R. Greten - Selected Publications#

Farin HF, Mosa MH, Ndreshkjana B, Grebbin BM, Ritter B, Menche C, Kennel KB, Ziegler PK, Szabo L, Bollrath J, Rieder D, Michels BE, Kress A, Bozlar M, Darvishi T, Stier S, Kur IM, Bankov K, Kesselring R, Fichtner-Feigl S, Brune B, Goetze TO, Al-Batran SE, Brandts CH, Bechstein WO, Wild PJ, Weigert A, Muller S, Knapp S, Trajanoski Z, Greten FR. Colorectal cancer organoid-stroma biobank allows subtype-specific assessment of individualized therapy responses. Cancer Discov. 2023 Oct 5;13(10):2192-2211

Schmitt M, Ceteci F, Gupta J, Pesic M, Bottger TW, Nicolas A, Kennel KB, Engel E, Dabiri Y, Schewe M, Kirisozu A, Petrocelli V, Varga J, Ramakrishnan M, Karimova M, Ablasser A, Sato T, Arkan MC, de Sauvage FJ, Greten FR. Colon tumor cell death causes mTOR dependence by pararcrine P2X4 stimulation. Nature, 2022 Dec;612(7939):347-353

Denk D, Petrocelli V, Conche C, Drachsler M, Ziegler PK, Braun A, Kress A, Nicolas AM, Mohs, K, Becker C, Neurath MF, Farin HF, Buchholz CJ, Andreux P, Rinsch C, Greten FR. Expansion of T memory stem cells with superior antitumor immunity by Urolithin Ainduced mitophagy, Immunity, 2022 Nov 8;55(11):2059-2073.e8

Nicolas AM, Pesic M, Engel E, Ziegler PK, Diefenhardt M, Kennel KB, Buettner F, Conche C, Petrocelli V, Elwakeel E, Weigert A, Zinoveva A, Fleischmann M, Häupl B, Karakütük C, Bohnenberger H, Mosa MH, Kaderali L, Gaedcke J, Ghadimi M, Rödel F, Arkan MC, Oellerich T, Rödel C, Fokas E, Greten FR. Inflammatory fibroblasts mediate resistance to neoadjuvant therapy in rectal cancer. Cancer Cell. 2022 Feb 14;40(2):168-184.e13.

Schmitt M., Greten FR.: The Inflammatory pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. Nature Reviews Immunology, Oct. 2021, 21(10):653-667

Greten FR, Grivennikov SI. Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences. Immunity 2019 Jul 16;51(1):27-4

Ziegler, PK, Bollrath, J, Pallangyo, CK, Matsutani, T, Canli, Ö, DeOliveira, T, Diamanti, MA, Müller, N, Gamrekelashvili, Putoczki, T, Horst, D, Mankan, AK, Öner, MG, Müller, S, Müller-Höcker, J, Kirchner, T, Slotta-Huspenina, J, Taketo, MM, Reinheckel, T, Dröse, S, Larner, AC, Wels, WS, Ernst, M, Greten, TF, Arkan, MC, Korn, T, Wirth, D, Greten, FR.: Mitophagy in intestinal epithelial cells triggers adaptive immunity during tumorgenesis. Cell. 2018 Jun 28;174(1):88-101

Varga J., Greten FR.: Cell plasticity in epithelial homeostasis and tumorigenesis. Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Oct;19(10):1133-1141

Canli Ö, Adele M Nicolas, Gupta J, Finkelmeier F, Olga Goncharova, Pesic M, Neumann, T, Horst D, Löwer M, Sahin U, Greten FR.: Myeloid cell-derived reactive oxygen species induce epithelial mutagenesis. Cancer Cell, 2017 Dec 11;32:869-883

Schwitalla S, Fingerle AA, Cammareri P, Nebelsiek T, Göktuna SI, Ziegler PK, Canli O, Hejimans J, Huels DJ, Moreaux G, Rupec RA, Gerhard M, Schmid R, Barker N, Clevers H, Lang R, Neumann, J, Kirchner T, Taketo MM, van den Brink GR, Sansom OJ, Arkan MC, and Greten FR.: Intestinal tumorigenesis initiated by dedifferentiation and acquisition of stem-cell like properties. Cell 2013 Jan 17;152(1-2):25-38.

Schwitalla, S., Ziegler, P.K:, Horst, D., Becker, V., Kerle, I., Begus-Nahrmann, Y., Lechel, A., Rudolph, K.L., Langer, R., Bader, F.G., Prazeres da Costa, O., Neurath, M.F., Meining, A., Kirchner, T and Greten, FR: Loss of p53 in enterocytes generates an inflammatory microenvironment enabling invasion and lymph node metastasis of carcinogen-induced colorectal tumors. Cancer Cell, 2013 Jan 14;23(1):93-106

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