
Agust Gudmundsson - Personal profile#

I have an MSc in Structural Geology and Rock Mechanics from Imperial College London and a PhD in Tectonophysics from the University of London. Previously I was research professor of Volcanology at the Nordic Volcanological Institute, University of Iceland, then professor and Chair of Hydrogeology of Solid Rocks at the University of Bergen (Norway), and before I took up my present position, professor and Chair of Structural Geology and Geodynamics at the University of Gottingen (Germany). Research interests ´

My main research interests are in the physics of various geological and physical processes. More specifically, the research of my students, collaborators, and me focuses on volcanotectonic and seismotectonic structures and processes, fluid transport in porous and fractured reservoirs, and the thermodynamics/statistical mechanics of lineaments and networks.

I have extensive experience in field studies of volcanoes, faults zones, and fluid-filled reservoirs of various types, as well as in analytical and numerical modelling of geological structures and processes.
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