
Colm Harmon - Selected Publications#

“The Causal Effects of School Bullying Victimisation as an Adolescent on Later Life Outcomes.” (with Emma Gorman, Silvia Mendolia, Anita Staneva and Ian Walker). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2021

“The Bilingual Gap in Children’s Language, Emotional and Pro-Social Development.” (with Deborah Cobb-Clark and Anita Staneva). IZA Journal of Labor Economics, vol.10, no.1, 2021.

“Measuring Investment in Human Capital Formation: An Experimental Analysis of Early Life Outcomes.” (with Orla Doyle, James Heckman, Caitriona Logue, Seong Moon. Labour Economics, Vol. 45, pp. 40-58, 2017.

“How Effective is Compulsory Schooling as a Policy Instrument?” IZA World of Labor, 2017: 348 doi: 10.15185/izawol.348

“The Impact of Parental Income and Education on the Schooling of their Children.” (with A.Chevalier, V. O’Sullivan and I. Walker). IZA Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 2 (8), pp. 1-22, 2013.

"The Role of Noncognitive Traits in Undergraduate Study Behaviours." (with Liam Delaney and Martin Ryan). Economics of Education Review, Vol 32(1), pp. 181–195, 2013.

“Parental Education, Grade Attainment and Earning Expectations – Evidence from University Students.” (with Liam Delaney and Cathy Redmond). Economics of Education Review, Vol. 30 (6), pp. 1136-1152, 2011.

“Validating the Use of Vignettes for Subjective Threshold Scales.” (with Arthur Van Soest, Liam Delaney, Arie Kapteyn, James P Smith). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A, Vol. 174 (3), pp. 575-595, 2011.

“The Economics of Higher Education – Beyond a Zero-Sum Game.” In Munck, R. and Mohrman, K. (eds) Reinventing the University. Dublin: Dublin City University Press, 2010.

“Naturalistic Monitoring of the Affect-Heart Rate Relationship: A Day Reconstruction Study.” (with Michael Daly, Liam Delaney, Peter Doran and Malcolm MacLachlan). Health Psychology, Vol 29 (2), pp. 186-195, April 2010.

“Experimental Tests of Survey Responses to Expenditure Questions.” (with David Comerford and Liam Delaney). Fiscal Studies, Vol 30 (3-4), 419-433, December 2009.

“Psychological and Biological Foundations of Time Preference: Evidence from a Day Reconstruction Study with Biological Tracking.” (with Michael Daly and Liam Delaney). Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 7, No. 2-3: 659–669, April 2009.

“Early Childhood Intervention: Rationale, Timing and Efficacy.” (with O.Doyle, J. Heckman, R. Tremblay). Economics and Human Biology, 7(1), pp. 1-6, March 2009.

“Does Education Raise Productivity or Just Reflect It?” (with A Chevalier, I. Walker and Yu Zhu). Economic Journal, November 2004.

“Dispersion in the Return to Education.” (with V.Hogan and I. Walker). Labour Economics, April 2003.

“The Returns to Education – A Review of Evidence, Issues and Deficiencies in the Literature.” (with H. Oosterbeek and I. Walker). Journal of Economic Surveys, March 2003.

Education and Earnings in Europe. (With I. Walker and N. Westergaard-Nielson, eds). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, July 2001.

“Testing for Sheepskin Effects in Earnings Functions.” (with K. Denny). Applied Economics Letters, Volume 8 (9), pp. 635-637, September 2001.

“Health Insurance and Health Service Utilization in Ireland.” (with B. Nolan). Health Economics, Volume 10, pp. 135-145, February 2001.

“Returns to the Quantity and Quality of Education: Evidence for Men in England and Wales.” (with I. Walker). Economica, Vol. 67(265), February 2000.

“A Review of Estimates of the Schooling/Earnings Relationship, with Tests for Publication Bias.” (with O. Ashenfelter and H. Oosterbeek). Labour Economics, Vol. 6 (4), November 1999, pp. 453-470.

“The Marginal and Average Return to Schooling.” (with I. Walker). European Economic Review, Vol. 43 (4-6), April 1999, pp. 879-887.

“Estimates of the Economic Return to Schooling for the UK.” (with I. Walker). American Economic Review, Vol. 85(5), December 1995, pp. 1278-1296.

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