Gerhard Heinzmann#
Membership Number: | 3776 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2014 |
Main Country of Residence: | FRANCE |
Homepage(s): | |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2007 - 2014 Director of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Lorraine (USR 3261, CNRS), Université de Lorraine
- 1992 - present Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nancy 2; since 2012: University of Lorraine (Classe Exceptionnelle 2)
- 1992 - 2007 Director and Founder of the Research Group "Laboratoire d'Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie — Archives Henri-Poincaré" (UMR 7117, CNRS)
- 2006, 02-08 Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, Berkeley (Prof. P. Mancosu)
- 1994 - 2003 Lecturer, University Louis Pasteur (Strasburg 1)
- 1990 - 1992 Maître de conférences, University of Nancy 2
- 1984 - 1990 Research Assistant, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Saarbrücken (Prof. K. Lorenz)
- 1981 - 1983 Research fellow, Collège de France, Paris (Prof. J. Vuillemin)
Fields of Scholarship
- Poincaré Studies
- Philosophy of mathematics
- Philosophy of logic
- French philosophy of science in the XXe century
- Philosophy of language
- History of science around 1900
- Dialogic Logic
Honours and Awards
- 2012 - present Assessor of the Council of the DLMPS (
- 2010 « Construction. Festschrift for Gerhard Heinzmann » (P.-E. Bour/ M. Rebuschi/ L. Rollet ; eds.), London College Publication, 687 pages, 60 contributions (
- 2008-2012 President of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Philosophie, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
- 2006 Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques
- 2006 Scientific award of the "Prince Louis de Polignac" Foundation, on a proposal from the Academy of Sciences, Paris
- 2000 - present Ordinary Member of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Bruxelles (
- 2001 - present Member of the Comité National Français d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences. Member of the executive board
- 1983 Dr. Eduard-Martin-Preis, Saarbrücken (for the dissertation)