Olivier Hermine - Selected Publications#

H Factor 137 indice i10 681 citations 73288

* Senior corresponding author

1. Arlet JB, Ribeil JA, Guillem F, Negre O, Hazoume A, Marcion G, Beuzard Y, Dussiot M, Moura IC, Demarest S, de Beauchêne IC, Belaid-Choucair Z, Sevin M, Maciel TT, Auclair C, Leboulch P, Chretien S, Baudin-Creuza V, Seigneuric R, Fontenay M, Garrido C, Hermine O*, Courtois G. HSP70 sequestration by free α-globin promotes ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassaemia. Nature. 2014 Oct 9;514(7521):242–246.

2. Chandesris MO, Damaj G, Canioni D, Brouzes C, Lhermitte L, Hanssens K, Frenzel L, Cherquaoui Z, Durieu I, Durupt S, Gyan E, Beyne-Rauzy O, Launay D, Faure C, Hamidou M, Besnard S, Diouf M12, Schiffmann A, Niault M, Jeandel PY, Ranta D, Gressin R, Chantepie S, Barete S, Dubreuil P, Bourget P, Lortholary O, Hermine O, CEREMAST Study Group. Midostaurin in Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis. N Engl J Med. 2016 Jun 30;374(26):2605–2607.

3. Coulon S, Dussiot M, Grapton D, Maciel TT, Wang PH, Callens C, Tiwari MK, Agarwal S, Fricot A, Vandekerckhove J, Tamouza H, Zermati Y, Ribeil JA, Djedaini K, Oruc Z, Pascal V, Courtois G, Arnulf B, Alyanakian MA, Mayeux P, Leanderson T, Benhamou M, Cogné M, Monteiro RC, Hermine O*, Moura IC. Polymeric IgA1 controls erythroblast proliferation and accelerates erythropoiesis recovery in anemia. Nat Med. 2011 Oct 23;17(11):1456–1465.

4. Guillem F, Dussiot M, Colin E, Suriyun T, Arlet JB, Goudin N, Marcion G, Seigneuric R, Causse S, Gonin P, Gastou M, Deloger M, Rossignol J, Lamarque M, Bellaid Choucair Z, Gautier EF, Ducamp S, Vandekerckhove J, Moura IC, Maciel TT, Garrido C, An X, Mayeux P, Mohandas N, Courtois G, Hermine O. XPO1 regulates erythroid differentiation and is a new target for the treatment of β-thalassemia. Haematologica. 2019 Nov 21:haematol.2018.210054.

5. Dussiot M, Maciel TT, Fricot A, Chartier C, Negre O, Veiga J, Grapton D, Paubelle E, Payen E, Beuzard Y, Leboulch P, Ribeil JA, Arlet JB, Coté F, Courtois G, Ginzburg YZ, Daniel TO, Chopra R, Sung V, Hermine O*, Moura IC. An activin receptor IIA ligand trap corrects ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassemia. Nat Med. 2014 Apr;20(4):398–407.

6. Georgin-Lavialle S, Moura DS, Salvador A, Chauvet-Gelinier JC, Launay JM, Damaj G, Côté F, Soucié E, Chandesris MO, Barète S, Grandpeix-Guyodo C, Bachmeyer C, Alyanakian MA, Aouba A, Lortholary O, Dubreuil P, Teyssier JR, Trojak B, Haffen E, Vandel P, Bonin B; French Mast Cell Study Group, Hermine O*, Gaillard R. Mast cells’ involvement in inflammation pathways linked to depression: evidence in mastocytosis. Mol Psychiatry. 2016;21(11):1511–1516.

7. Le Gouill S, Thieblemont C, Oberic L, Moreau A, Bouabdallah K, Dartigeas C, Damaj G, Gastinne T, Ribrag V, Feugier P, Casasnovas O, Zerazhi H, Haioun C, Maisonneuve H, Houot R, Jardin F, Van Den Neste E, Tournilhac O, Le Dû K, Morschhauser F, Cartron G, Fornecker LM, Canioni D, Callanan M, Béné MC, Salles G, Tilly H, Lamy T, Gressin R, Hermine O; LYSA Group. Rituximab after Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation in Mantle-Cell Lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 2017 Sep 28;377(13):1250-1260.

8. Lortholary O, Chandesris MO, Bulai Livideanu C, Paul C, Guillet G, Jassem E, Niedoszytko M, Barete S, Verstovsek S, Grattan C, Damaj G, Canioni D, Fraitag S, Lhermitte L, Georgin Lavialle S, Frenzel L, Afrin LB, Hanssens K, Agopian J, Gaillard R, Kinet JP, Auclair C, Mansfield C, Moussy A, Dubreuil P, Hermine O. Masitinib for treatment of severely symptomatic indolent systemic mastocytosis: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study. Lancet. 2017 11;389(10069):612–620.

9. Cappellini MD, Porter J, Origa R, Forni GL, Voskaridou E, Galactéros F, Taher AT, Arlet JB, Ribeil JA, Garbowski M, Graziadei G, Brouzes C, Semeraro M, Laadem A, Miteva D, Zou J, Sung V, Zinger T, Attie KM, Hermine O. Sotatercept, a novel transforming growth factor β ligand trap, improves anemia in β-thalassemia: a phase II, open-label, dose-finding study. Haematologica. 2019 Mar;104(3):477-484.

10. Cappellini MD, Viprakasit V, Taher AT, Georgiev P, Kuo KHM, Coates T, Voskaridou E, Liew HK, Pazgal-Kobrowski I, Forni GL, Perrotta S, Khelif A, Lal A, Kattamis A, Vlachaki E, Origa R, Aydinok Y, Bejaoui M, Ho PJ, Chew LP, Bee PC, Lim SM, Lu MY, Tantiworawit A, Ganeva P, Gercheva L, Shah F, Neufeld EJ, Thompson A, Laadem A, Shetty JK, Zou J, Zhang J, Miteva D, Zinger T, Linde PG, Sherman ML, Hermine O, Porter J, Piga A; BELIEVE Investigators. Phase 3 Trial of Luspatercept in Patients with Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia. N Engl J Med. 2020 Mar 26;382(13):1219-1231.

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