
Poul Holm - Selected Publications#

(PHs books, reports and articles in Danish from his earlier carer are not listed)

Commercial Sea Fisheries in the Baltic Region, c1000-1600 in, editor(s)James H. Barrett , Cod and Herring: The Chronology, Causes and Consequences of Medieval Sea Fishing , Oxford, Oxbow, 2015, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter

Historical fishing communities in, editor(s)K. Schwerdtner Máñez & B. Poulsen , Marine environmental history, Springer, 2015, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter

Climate Change, Big Data and the Medieval and Early Modern in, editor(s)R. Hutton , Medieval or Early Modern. The Value of a Traditional Historical Division, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp70 - 84, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS

Integrative Platforms for the Humanities in, Think Ahead [RJ Yearbook 2015/2016], Gothenburg, Makadam, 2015, pp101 - 109, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter,

Manning and Paying the Hiberno-Norse Dublin Fleet in, editor(s)Emer Purcell, Paul MacCotter, Julianne Nyhan & John Sheehan , Clerics, kings and Vikings: essays on medieval Ireland in honour of Donnchadh Ó Corráin , Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2014, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter

Learning from Asian and Indo-Pacific fisheries history in, editor(s)Joseph Christensen, Malcolm Tull , Historical Perspectives of Fisheries Exploitation in the Indo-Pacific, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer Science+Business Media, 2014, pp269 - 272, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter

Anthropocene Humanities in, editor(s)Jane Conroy and Margaret Kelleher, Restating the Value of the Humanities , Dublin, Published under the auspices of the Humanities Serving Irish Society Consortium, 2014, pp8 - 11, [Poul Holm], Book Chapter,

Poul Holm, World War II and the 'Great Acceleration' of North Atlantic fisheries, Global Environment, 10, 2013, p66 - 91, Journal Article

Michael Goodsite, Anne Gammelgaard, John Culton, Allan Gross, Camilla Rahbek and Poul Holm, Interdisciplinary research in meteorological sciences. Editorial for the Inaugural Issue of Advance Research in Meteorological Sciences, Advance Research in Meteorological Sciences, 1, (1), 2012, Journal Article,

Marine Animal Populations: A New Look Back Iin Time in, editor(s)Alasdair D. McIntyre , Life in the World's Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance , Oxford, Blackwell, 2010, pp3 - 23, [Poul Holm, Anne Husum Marboe, Bo Poulsen, Brian R. MacKenzie], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

Oceans and seas, William H. McNeill et al., Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, 2nd edition, Berkshire Publishing Group, 2010, pp1860 - 1866, [Poul Holm], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc,

Narayanaswami, BE, Ojaveer, H., Boxshall, G,, Appeltans, W., Danovaro, R., Holm. P., & Nickell, T., Diversity of European Seas. Finding New Life. EuroCoML Non-Technical Report, Oban, UK, November, 2010, 1, 55, Report,

T. Bloemers, S. Daniels, G. Fairclough, B. Pedroli, R. Stiles, A. Antoine, R. Bürger-Arndt, P. Holm, A. Orejas, E. Thoen, P. Urbanczyk & M. Widgren, Landscape in a Changing World. Bridging Divides, Integrating Disciplines, Serving Society, Strasbourg, European Science Foundation - COST, 2010, 1, 16, Report

Policy reports:

2015 L Moos, T Wubbels, P Holm, P Zgaga, A panel discussion: the European Educational Research Association's role in Europe - now and in the near future, European Educational Research Journal, 14, (1), 2015, p35 - 43, Journal Article

2015 Poul Holm, Arne Jarrick, Dominic Scott, Humanities World Report 2015, London, Palgrave, 2014, 232 pppp, Book

2013 Changing Global Environments - The Contribution of the Humanities in, editor(s)ISSC and UNESCO , World Social Sciences Report 2013, Paris, UNESCO, 2013, pp506 - 508, [Rosi Braidotti; Poul Holm; Hsiung Ping Chen; Khum Khum Bahvani], Book Chapter, 2013 Poul Holm, Michael Goodsite, Sierd Cloetingh, Bernard Vanheusden, Kathryn Yusoff, Mauro Agnoletti, Moldan Bedřich, Daniel Lang, Rik Leemans, Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, Mercedes Pardo Buendia, Walter Pohl, Andrew Sors and Ruben Zondervan, Collaboration between the Natural, Social and Human Sciences in Global Change Studies, Environmental Science and Policy , 28, 2013, p25 - 35, Journal Article

Poul Holm (Chair), Nicolas Guilhot (Rapporteur), Dalina Dumitrescu, Gabriele Griffin, Arne Jarrick, Istvan Rév, Gulnara Roll, Daniel Smilov, Piotr Sztompka, Françoise Thys-Clement, Panos Tsakloglou, Luk Van Langenhove, Gerhard Wolf, METRIS, Emerging Trends in Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, European Commission, 2009, 1, 139, Report

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