
Anders Holmberg - Selected Publications#

Holmberg, A. & C. Platzack. 1995. The role of inflection in Scandinavian syntax. Oxford University Press. (1008 citations, Google Scholar)

Holmberg, A. 1999. Remarks on Holmberg's Generalization. Studia Linguistica 53: 1-39.(536 citations Google Scholar)

Holmberg, A. Is there a little pro? Evidence from Finnish. Linguistic Inquiry 36, 533-564. (618 citations)

Biberauer, Holmberg, Roberts, Sheehan. 2010. Parametric variation: null subjects in minimalist theory. Cambridge University Press. (495 citations, Google Scholar)

Holmberg, A. 2015. Verb second. In Syntax – an international handbook of contemporary syntactic research. 2nd Edition. Edited by Tibor Kiss and Artemis Alexiadou, 343-384. Berlin. Walter de Gruyter Verlag. (234 citations, Google Scholar)

Holmberg, A. 2016. The syntax of yes and no. Oxford University Press.

Sheehan, M., T. Biberauer, I. Roberts and A. Holmberg. 2017. The Final-over-Final Condition. A syntactic universal. MIT Press.

Holmberg, A., M. Sheehan, J. van der Wal. 2019. Movement from the double object construction is not fully symmetrical. Linguistic Inquiry 50: 677-722.

Holmberg, A. 2020. On the botteneck hypothesis of V2 in Swedish. In Rebecca Woods and Sam Wolfe (eds.) Rethinking Verb Second. 40-60. Oxford University Press

Wang, Q. & A. Holmberg. 2021. Reduplication and the structure of nouns in Xining Chinese. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 39: 923-958.

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