
Reinhard Jahn - Biography#

Reinhard Jahn studied biology and chemistry at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen (Germany) and finished his studies in 1981 with a PhD at the University of Göttingen. After a postdoc with Paul Greengard at Rockefeller University he became Assistant Professor at Rockefeller and then re-located in 1986 as junior group leader to the Max-Planck-Institute for Psychiatry in Munich. In 1991, Reinhard Jahn was appointed as tenured Associate Professor for Pharmacology and Cell Biology at Yale University, with a joint appointment at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 1995 he was promoted to Professor. In 1997, he returned to Germany where he holds the position of a director and scientific member at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry and of a professor of the University of Göttingen.
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