Gábor Juhász - Selected Publications#

Galambos R, Szabó-Salfay O, Barabás P., Pálhalmi J, Szilágyi N, Juhász G: Temporal distribution of the ganglion cell volleys in the normal rat optic nerve PNAS, 2000; 97: 13454-13459.

Galambos R, Szabó-Salfay O, Szatmári E, Szilágyi N, Juhász G: Sleep modifies retinal ganglion cell responses in the normal rat. PNAS, 2001; 98(4): 2083-2088.

Galambos R, Juhász G: How patterns of bleached rods and cones become visual perceptual experiences: a proposal PNAS. 2001; 98(20): 11702-11707.

Szegő ÉM, Kékesi KA, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Juhász GD: Estrogen regulates cytoskeletal flexibility and synaptic transmission: a proteomic study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2010; 35(6): 807-19.

Kovács Zs, Dobolyi Á, Kékesi KA Juhász G. (2013) 5'-nucleotidases, nucleosides and their distribution in the brain: pathological and therapeutic implications Curr Med Chem. 20(34):4217-40.

Völgyi K, Háden K, Kis, Gulyássy P, Badics K, Györffy BA, Simor A, Szabó Z, Janáky T, Drahos L, Tretter L, Dobolyi Á, Penke B, Juhász G, Kékesi KA Mitochondrial proteome changes correlating with β-amyloid accumulation Molecular Neurobiology 54(3):2060-2078.

Völgyi K, Badics K, Sialana FJ, Gulyássy P, Udvari EB, Kis V, Drahos L, Lubec G, Kékesi KA, Juhász G (2018) Early presymptomatic changes in the proteome of Mitochondria-Associated Membrane (MAM) in the APP/PS1 mice model of Alzheimer’s disease Molecular Neurobiology 55(10):7839-7857.

Györffy BA, Kun J, Török Gy, Bulyáki É, Borhegyi Zs, Gulyássy P, Kis V, Szocsics P, Micsonai A, Matkó J, Drahos L, Juhász G, Kékesi KA, Kardos J (2018) Local apoptotic-like mechanisms underlie complement-mediated synaptic pruning PNAS 115(24):6303-6308.

Ravasz L, Kékesi KA, Mittli D, Todorov MI, Borhegyi Z, Ercsey-Ravasz M, Tyukodi B, Wang J, Bártfai T, Eberwine J, Juhász G. Cell Surface Protein mRNAs Show Differential Transcription in Pyramidal and Fast-Spiking Cells as Revealed by Single-Cell Sequencing. Cereb Cortex. 2020 Jul 27:bhaa195.

Mittli D, Tukacs V, Micsonai A, Ravasz L, Kardos J, Juhász G, Kékesi KA. The Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Prefrontal Pyramidal Cells and Interneurons Reveals the Neuronal Expression of Genes Encoding Antimicrobial Peptides and Immune Proteins. Front Immunol. 2021 Oct 25;12:749433. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.749433.

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