Isaac Kalimi - Selected Publications#
[2025] Isaac Kalimi, “The Book of Malachi: Its Place in the Twelve Minor Prophets, in Jewish and in Christian Canon,” The Journal of Theological Studies 76 (2025), in press.
[2023] Isaac Kalimi, “The Position of Martin Luther toward Jews and Judaism: Historical, Social, and Theological Avenues,” The Journal of Religion 103 (2023), pp. 431-481.
[2023] Isaac Kalimi, “The Centrality of the Book of Psalms and Its Major Interpretations prior to and during Middle Ages: Approaches, Authorship, Genre, and Polemics,” in C. D. Bergmann, T. Rajak, B. Kranemann, R. Ullrich (eds.), The Power of Psalms in Post-Biblical Judaism: Liturgy, Ritual and Community (Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 118; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2023), pp. 163-197.
[2022] Isaac Kalimi, “The Retribution of Arrogance: The Assyrian King in Isaiah,” Revue Biblique 129 (2022), pp. 25-48.
[2022] Isaac Kalimi, “Frauenfiguren der Hebräischen Bibel im jüdischen Mittelalter: Anmerkungen zu deren Rezeptionsgeschichte,” Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift 170 (2022), pp. 183-188.
[2021] Isaac Kalimi, “Jewish Bible Translations,” in K. J. Dell (ed.), The Biblical World (2nd ed.; London: Routledge, 2021), pp. 889-905.
[2020] Isaac Kalimi, “Martin Luther, the Jews and Esther: Biblical Interpretation in the Shadow of Judeophobia,” The Journal of Religion 100 (2020), pp. 42-74.
[2020] Isaac Kalimi, “Literary-stylistic Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible,” Vetus Testamentum 70 (2020), pp. 603-619.
[2020] Isaac Kalimi, “An Introduction: History and Historiography,” in I. Kalimi (ed.), Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2020), pp. 3-4.
[2019] Isaac Kalimi, “Salomos Thronfolge nach den Büchern der Könige und der Chronik,” in F. Hartenstein and T. Willi (eds.), Psalmen und Chronik (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 2. Reihe 107; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019), pp. 3-38.
[2019] Isaac Kalimi, “Martin Luther, die Juden und Esther: Bibelinterpretation im Schatten der Judenfeindschaft,” Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 71 (2019), pp. 357-394.
[2017] Isaac Kalimi, “Love of God and Apologia for a King: Solomon’s Birth Story in Its Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Contexts,” Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 17 (2017), pp. 28-63.
[2017] Isaac Kalimi, “Models for Jewish Bible Theologies: Tasks and Challenges,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 39 (2017), pp. 107-133.
[2017] Isaac Kalimi, "Stimmen und Musik aus der Ferne als Stilmittel an Wendepunkten der israelitischen Geschichte," in C. G. Müller and M. Helmer (eds.), „Darum, Ihr Hirten, Hört das Wort des Herren“ (Ez 34,7.9): Studien zu Prophetischen und Weisheitlichen Texten – Festschrift Bernd Willmes (Fuldaer Studien 21; Freiburg i. B.: Herder, 2017), pp. 24-35.
- [2025] Martin Luther, Jews, and Judaism: A Re-Examination (Routledge Focus on Religion; London: Routledge, 2025), in Press.
- [2025] Mortal should Not Think that He is Equal to God: The Disastrous Destiny of Arrogant Leaders in Biblical, Jewish, and Christian Literature, xii + ca. 300 pages + 17 illustrations (submitted for publication).
*[2023] Spór o Biblię. Żydowskie tradycje, heterodoksje i polemiki: od Świątyni przez Talmud do współczesności (Poznan: Adam Mickiewicz University Press and FNCE, 2023).
- [2023] The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity: The Biblical Story, Self-Identification, and Antisemitic Interpretation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), xvii + 410 pages + 13 illustrations.
Rev.: L.-S. Tiemeyer, The Expository Times 135,7 (2024), 313-314; D.A. Brumwell, The Downside Review (April 2024); M.-T. Wacher, Theologische Revue 120,4 (2024).
- [2020] König Salomo: Mensch und Mythos. Biblische Geschichtsschreibung im Wandel (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2020), xv + 357 pages + 6 Ills.önig_Salomo:Mensch_und_Mythos/title_5742.ahtml
Rev.: S. Seiler, Orientalische Literaturzeitung (OLZ) 119,1 (2024), 18-21.
- [2020] Der Kampf um die Bibel (Jüdische Religion, Geschichte und Kultur 26; Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020), 309 pages:
Rev.: H.-D. Neef, Orientalische Literaturzeitung 116.4-5 (2021), 368-369.
- [2018] Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible: Wordplay as a Literary and Exegetical Device (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2018), x + 195 pages.
Rev.: M.I. Gruber, Reviews in Religion and Theology 27,2 (2020), 251-255:; C. Ehrlich, Hebrew Higher Education 22 (2020); I. Faro, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83 (2021), pp. 498-500; L. Edzard, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 174, 2 (2024), pp. 536-538.
- [2018] Untersuchungen zur Jüdischen Schriftauslegung und Theologie (Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2018), 380 pages. (Franz-Delitzsch-Preis 2019).
Rev.: U.Becker, ZAW 131 (2019), 343-344; B. Collinet, Biblische Bücherschau 9 (2019), pp. 1-5; M. Morgenstern, Theologische Rundschau 84,3 (2019), 254-255; L. Bormann, Theologische Literaturzeitung 145 (2020), 48-50; M. Diefenbach, Eulenfisch – Magazin für Religion und Bildung, Bistum Limburg:; H.-D. Neef, Orientalische Literaturzeitung 115.6 (2020), 453-455.
- [2018] Writing and Rewriting the Story of Solomon in Ancient Israel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018 ), xviii + 385 pages.
Rev.: K.H. Keimer, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 82 (2020), 117-119; J.W. Herbst, Reading Religion (AAR; Aug. 21, 2019); A.G. Hunter, JSOT 43,5 (2019), 134-135; A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 68 (2020), 111-113; J. Sykora, AJS Review 44 (2020), 187-189; J. Retso, Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok (= Swedish Exegetical Yearbook) 85 (2020), 256-259; P.R. Andinach, Antiguo Oriente 18 (2020), 331-336.
- [2017] Fighting Over the Bible: Jewish Interpretation and Polemic from Temple to Talmud and Beyond (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 54; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017), xi + 342 pages.
Rev.: R.A. Taylor, Bibliotheca Sacra (2018):
interpretation-sectarianism-and-polemic-from-temple-to-talmud-and-beyond M.W. Duggan, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81
(2019), 316-318; A. Feldman, Horizons in Biblical Theology 40 (2018), 216-217; J. Greehouse, Journal for the Study of
the Old Testament 43,5 (2019) 134-135; U. Becker, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 131 (2019) 342-
343; C. Cordoni, Journal for the Study of Judaism 52 (2021), pp. 604–607; Jörg Jeremias, Theologische Revue 118 (2022), 311-312: 4329-Artikeltext-10256-1-10-20220706 (1).pdf//
- [2016] Starożytny Historyk Izraelski. Studium o Kronikarzu, jego epoce, miejscu dzialanosci i dziele (Cracow: Nomos Press, 2016), 215 pp. (Polish)
Rev.: D. Dziadosz, The Biblical Annals 66,2 (2019) 421-426:
- [2013] Das Chronikbuch und seine Chronik: Zur Entstehung und Rezeption eines biblischen Buches (Fuldaer Studien 17; Freiburg i.B.: Herder Verlag, 2013), 7 illustrations + xiv + 247 pages.
Rev.: M. Oeming, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 126 (2014), 298-299; L.C. Jonker, Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 76 (2014), 329-330; R.W. Klein, Review of Biblical Literature: (09/2014);
L. Maskow, Ugarit Forschungen 45 (2014) 547-554; Old Testament Abstracts 39 (2016), 485; G. Auld, Biblische Notizen
174 (2017), 20; G. Fischer, Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie 135 (2013) 464-465.
- 2005/2012 The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2005), xiv + 473 pages. Reprinted corrected, paperback, 2012 (2006 R.B.Y. Scott Award).
Rev.: M. Boda, Review of Biblical Literature 10 (2006):; P.L. Redditt, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68 (2006), pp. 120-121; L.L. Grabbe, Journal of Biblical Literature 124 (2005), pp. 758-760 (= Review of Biblical Literature 9 (2005):; K. Ristau, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 5 (2005):; B. Lang, International Review of Biblical Studies 51 (2006) 114; M. Kartveit, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30.5 (2006), p. 74; E.H. Merrill, Bibliotheca Sacra 163 no. 651 (2006), 368-369; Tarsee Li, Andrews University Seminary Studies 44 (2006), 183-184; Ralph K. Hawkins, Bulletin for Biblical Research 16 (2006), pp. 155-156; Old Testament Abstracts 29 (2006), 107; A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 54 (2006), 78-79; Shofar - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 24 (2006) 212; P.C. Beentjes, Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology 66 (2005), pp. 458-459; J.D. Nogalski, Review and Expositor 103 (Fall 2006), 834-836; A.H. Konkel, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 49 (2006), 404-405; J.N. Clayton, La Revue FAREL 2 (2007), 47-48; P.B. Dirksen, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 61 (2007), 162-163 (Dutch); C. Bazaretti, Rivista Biblica 55 (2007), 215-219 (Italian); G. Auld, The Journal of Theological Studies 59 (2008), 224-226; M. Marciak, The Polish Journal of Biblical Research 7 (2008), 82-83; D. Mathias, Orientalistische Literatur-zeitung 103 (2008), 722-728; T.R. Young, Trinity Journal 29 (2008) 319-320; R.K. Duke, Currents in Biblical Research 8 (2009) 34-35; J.M. Tebes, Antiguo Oriente 8 (2010) 201-205 (a review article, Spanish); R.W. Klein, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 72 (2014) 146-147.
- [2009] The Retelling of Chronicles in Jewish Tradition and Literature: A Historical Journey (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2009), 7 illustrations + xx + 395 pages.
Rev.: S.M. Paul, R.W. Klein, J. Verheyden, J. Sawyer, D. Weisberg, M.I. Gruber, Review of Rabbinic Judaism 16 (2013), 51-87 (with response by I. Kalimi); H. Basser, Review of Rabbinic Judaism 16 (2013) 241-243; A. Labahn, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 108 (2013) 316-319; R. Ulmer, Review of Biblical Literature, 2010:; P.J. Haas, Shofar – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 29 (2010), 168-170; L.-S. Tiemeyer, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 34.5 (2010), 129; Old Testament Abstracts 33 (2010) 442; B. Lang, International Review of Biblical Studies 56 (2009-10), 447-448; R.P. Gordon, Vetus Testamentum 61 (2011), 536; M. Oeming, Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 123 (2011), 471-472; P.C. Beentjes, Biblische Notizen 151 (2011), 126-127; E. Nodet, Revue Biblique 119 (2012), 151-152; A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 60 (2012), 81-82; R. Krüger, Antiguo Oriente 10 (2012), 172-176 (a review article); B.D. Walfish, “Exploring the Place of the Book of Chronicles in the Jewish Tradition,” Hebrew Studies 53 (2012), 365-371 (a review-essay); E.H. Merrill, Bibliotheca Sacra 170 no. 678 (2013) 229-230; A. van der Kooji, Bibliotheca Orientalis 71 (2014) 832.
- [2005] An Ancient Israelite Historian: Studies in the Chronicler, His Time, Place, and Writing (Studia Semitica Neerlandica 46; Assen: Royal Van Gorcum [now under: Brill, Leiden], 2005), x + 212 pages. //
Rev.: P.L. Redditt, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68 (2006), pp. 119-120; P. Evans, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures,
Volume 5 (2005):; K. Ristau, Review of Biblical Literature 10
(2006, in internet); G.N. Knoppers, E. Ben Zvi, R.L. Hubbard, R.W. Klein, and M.A. Thronveit (and response from I. Kalimi),
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Volume 6 (2006), 1-64; J. Jarick, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30.5 (2006),
73; C. Meyers, The Expository Times 117 (2006), 472; S. Beyerle, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian,
Hellenistic and Roman Period 37 (2006), 462-464; P.B. Dirksen, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 61 (2007), 253-254
(Dutch); A. Schenker, Revue biblique 115 (2008), 455-457 (French); A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 57
(2009), 67-68; Chen Yiyi, Journal of Ancient Civilizations 24 (2009), 77-78 (China); J.M. Tebes, Antiguo Oriente 8
(2010), 201-205; M. Marciak, The Polish Journal of Biblical Research 8 (2009), 196-198; Old Testament Abstracts 34
(2011), 200.
- [2002] Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy: Studies in Scriptures in the Shadow of Internal and External Controversies (Jewish and Christian Heritage 2; Assen: Royal Van Gorcum, 2002), 8 illustrations + xvii + 209 pages.
Rev.: M.I. Gruber, Journal of Biblical Literature 123 (2004), pp. 584-587; Republished in Review of Biblical Literature 8 (2004):; R. Ulmer, Review of Rabbinic Judaism 7 (2004), 306-310; F. Landy, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4 (2002-2003): (= E. Ben Zvi [ed.], Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures [Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2006, 895-898); T. Meacham, “A Review of Isaac Kalimi, Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy,” in Biblical Interpretation in Judaism and Christianity, edited by I. Kalimi and P.J. Haas (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 439; London and New York: T. & T. Clark, 2006), 196-210 (with response, ibid., 211-219); S.C. Reif, Vetus Testamentum 57 (2007), 570; Z. Garber, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 65 (2003), pp. 107-108; revised version: Review of Biblical Literature 7 (2003):; P.J. Tomson, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 36 (2005), 353-355; M. Barker; N.L. Collins, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 27.5 (2003), 10-11, 179; T. de Kruijf, Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology 64 (2003), 103; E. Kessler, Journal of Theological Studies 54 (2003), 760-762; Old Testament Abstracts 26 (2003), 158-159; New Testament Abstracts 46 (2002), 590; A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 57 (2009), 69-70; M. Rese, Theologische Literaturzeitung 129 (2004), 609-610; M. Grohmann, Theologische Rundschau 69 (2004), 151-181 esp. 165-166; H. Graf Reventlow, Theologische Rundschau 70 (2005), 28-29, 413-414; M. Köckert, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 116 (2004), 293-294.
- [2000] The Book of Chronicles: Historical Writing and Literary Devices (The Biblical Encyclopedia Library XVIII; Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2000), 4 illustrations + xxi + 477 pages (Hebrew).
Rev.: M. Aberbach, “Historical, Literary and Theological Aspects in the Book of Chronicles - A Review Article on Isaac Kalimi, The Book of Chronicles - Historical Writing and Literary Devices,” Revue Biblique 108 (2001) 503-510; F.E. Greenspahn, Review of Biblical Literature 8 (2004):; A. Frisch, The Jewish Quarterly Review 93 (2003), 605-608; D.A. Glatt-Gilad, The Jewish Quarterly Review 92 (2001), 200-201; E. Ben Zvi, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures – Volume 4 (2002-2003): (= E. Ben Zvi [ed.], Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures [Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2006, 722-725); J.F.A. Sawyer, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 25.5 (2001), 66; M.Z. Brettler, AJSReview 27 (2003), 103-104; H.G.M. Williamson, Biblical Interpretation 9 (2001), 219-221; R.J. Coggnis, Journal of Theological Studies 52 (2001), 507-508; Old Testament Abstracts 23 (2000), 582; Z. Talshir, “From the Desk of the Author of Chronicles: A Review of Isaac Kalimi, The Book of Chronicles - Historical Writing and Literary Devices,” Cathedra 102 (2002), 187-190; Al-haPereq 18 (2001), 193; Zion - A Quarterly for Research in Jewish History 65 (2000), 404.
- [1995] Zur Geschichtsschreibung des Chronisten: Literarisch-historiographische Abweichungen der Chronik von ihren Paralleltexten in den Samuel- und Königsbüchern (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 226; Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1995; reprinted 2016), ix + 400 pages.
Rev.: S.L. McKenzie, “How Chronicler Redacted: Kalimi’s Analysis of Redactional Techniques in Chronicles,” JSOT Suppl. 263 (1999), 87-90; G.N. Knoppers, Review of Biblical Literature 4 (2000):; M.A. Sweeney, Review of Biblical Literature 3 (1999):; R.W. Klein, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 60 (1998), 118-120; J. Van Seters, Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1997), 153-154; P.B. Dirksen, Journal of Semitic Studies 42 (1997), 394-396; M.P. Graham, Religious Studies Review 22 (1996), 237; C.T. Begg, Old Testament Abstracts 19 (l996), 343; W. Johnstone, The (British) Society for Old Testament Study, Book List 1996, 60-61; J. Lust, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 71 (1995), pp. 440-442; T. Willi, Theologische Rundschau 67 (2002), 87-88; J. Kegler, Bibliotheca Orientalis 57 (2000), 160-166; J. Becker, Biblische Zeitschrift 42 (1998), 106-107; T. Willi, Theologische Literaturzeitung 122 (1997), 795-797; E.M. Dörrfuss, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 108 (1996), 472-473; P.B. Dirksen, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 53 (1999), 303-304; P.C. Beentjes, Bijdragen: International Journal in Philosophy and Theology 58 (1997) 449.
- [1990] The Books of Chronicles: A Classified Bibliography (Simor Bible Bibliographies 1; Jerusalem: Simor, 1990), xvii + 230 pages.
Rev.: T.C. Eskenazi, Hebrew Studies 34 (1993) 153-155; M.P. Graham, Journal of Religious & Theological Information 1 (1993), 116-119; G.N. Knoppers, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 55 (1993) 119; P.B. Dirksen, Bibliotheca Orientalis 49 (1991), 481-484; L.D. McIntosh, Australian Biblical Review 39 (1991), 66-67; H.G.M. Williamson, Vetus Testamentum 41 (1991), 491; J. Schwartz, Jerusalem Post (September 27, 1991), 20; R.J. Coggins, The Expository Times 103,1 (1991), 24; G.A. Auld, The (British) Society for Old Testament Study, Book List 1991, 18; C.T. Begg, Old Testament Abstracts 13 (l990) 112; J.P. Sternberger, Études Theologiques et Religieuses 67 (1992), 97; P.M. Bogaert, Revue Theologique de Louvain 22 (1991), 241; T. Willi, Theologische Rundschau 67 (2002), 87-88; H.C. Schmitt, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 104 (1992), 151; B. Lang, Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete 37 (1990/91), 68; M. Rigler, Kiryat Sefer 64 (1992/93), 17-18; M. Aberbach, Beith Mikra 37 (l992) 95-96; E. Cortese, Liber Annuus 43 (1993) 550-551.
- [2020] Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2020), xvi + 250 pages. Rev.: U.Becker, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 133 (2021), 138-139; M.Pietsch, Theologische Literaturzeitung 146,5 (2021), pp. 393-396.
- [2016] Bridging between Sister Religions: Studies of Jewish and Christian Scriptures Offered in Honor Prof. John T. Townsend (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 51; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2016), xviii + 340 pages.
Rev.: Ph.S. Johnston, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42.5 (2018) 14-15; U. Becker, Zeitschrift für die
alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 131 (2019) 138-139; Z. Garber, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81 (2019) 571-574.
- [2012] Jewish Bible Theology: Perspectives and Case Studies (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2012), xiii + 276 pages.
Rev.: J.R. Kelly, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures – Volume 12 (2012):; W.
Brueggemann, Interpretation – A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (2013) 223–224; J.E. Patrick, Journal for the Study
of the Old Testament 37.5 (2013) 169; D. Bergant, The Bible Today (2013) 333; G. Brewer-Boydston, Review of Biblical Literature 06 (2014):; E.J. Fisher, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 76 (2014), 791-793; Hebrew Studies 53 (2012), 445; S. Beyerle, Biblische Notizen 182 (2019) 125-126.
- [2012] New Perspectives on Ezra-Nehemiah: History and Historiography, Text and Literature (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2012), xvi + 296 pages.
Rev.: S.J. Schweitzer, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures – Volume 12 (2012):; M.W. Duggan, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 75 (2013), 187-189; K.E. Southwood, Journal of Theological Studies 64 (2013), 193- 196; T. Hieke, Theologische Literaturzeitung 138 (2013), 310-311; Revue biblique 120 (2013), 143-144; A.E. Steinmann, Review of Biblical Literature (2013); U. Becker, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125 (2013), 364-365; S. Grätz, Biblische Notizen 161 (2014), 169-171; H.J. Stökl, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 38.5 (2014), 107.
- [2014] Sennacherib at the Gates of Jerusalem: Story, History and Historiography (Culture & History of the Ancient Near East 71; Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014; with S. Richardson), xv + 548 pages.
Rev.: A.E. Gardner, Australian Biblical Review 62 (2014), pp. 80-82; C. C. Smith, Choice – Review on Line 2014; Sung-Mi Suzie Park, Horizons in Biblical Theology 36 (2014), 220-223; A.R. Millard, Strata – Bulletin of the Anglo- Israel Archaeological Society 32 (2014), 146-150; W. Oswald, Judaica 70 (2014), pp. 432-433; S. Dalley, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 74 (2015), 142-144; H.G.M. Williamson, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39.5 (2015), 45; P.R. Davies, The Expository Times 126 (2015), 561; A.H. Konkel, Bulletin for Biblical Research 25 (2015), 567- 570; Tarse Li, Andrews University Seminary Studies 53 (2015), 222-224; N. Wazana, Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina- Vereins 132 (2016) 84-85; B. Becking, Bibliotheca Orientalis 73 (2016) 136-139; E. Lipinski, Biblical Annals 6 (2016), 147-149; A. Baruchi-Unna, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 79 (2016), pp. 159-161; S. Salo, Orientalische Literaturzeitung 113 (2018) 210-215.
- [2014] The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics (Area Editor: Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism; with R.L. Brawley et al.; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014) vols. 1-2, 1097 pages.
- [2015] Scriptural Authority in Early Judaism and Ancient Christianity (with T. Nicklas and G.G. Xeravits; Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies 16; Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2013), viii + 381 pages.
Rev.: M. Vahrenhorst, Theologische Literaturzeitung 139 (2014) 1136-1139; S.D.E. Weeks, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39.5 (2015) 169-170.
- [2006] Biblical Interpretation in Judaism and Christianity (LHB/OTS 439; London and New York: T. & T. Clark, 2006; with P.J. Haas), xiv + 265 pages.
Rev.: C. Evans, Review of Biblical Literature 11 (2007):; L.M.
Teugels, Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 39 (2008), pp. 407-408; A.G.
Salvesen, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 32.5 (2008), 220; New Testament Abstracts 52 (2008), 203; M.
Henze, Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 28/3 (2010), pp. 159-161; J.S. Webster, Biblical
Interpretation 18 (2010) 473-475.
- [2004] God’s Word for Our World: Volume I - Biblical Studies in Honor of Simon John De Vries (JSOT Suppl. 388; London and New York: T. & T. Clark International, 2004; with J.H. & D.L. Ellens and R.P. Knierim); xvi+403 pages.
- [2004] God’s Word for Our World: Volume II - Theological and Cultural Studies in Honor of Simon John De Vries (JSOT Suppl. 389; London and New York: T. & T. Clark International, 2004; with J.H. & D.L. Ellens and R.P. Knierim); xiv+301 pages.
Rev.: E.W. Davies, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 29.5 (2005), 8-9; R.W. Klein, Review of Biblical
Literature 9 (2005):; G.M. Landes, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 68 (2006) 359-361;
Hebrew Studies 46 (2005) 454-455; C.L. Miller, Old Testament Abstracts 29 (2006), 99; The Bible Today, Nov/Dec
2005; T.J. Schneider, Religious Studies Review 32 (2005),187-188.
- [2003] Edut beYehosef: Studies in Jewish Heritage Dedicated to Joseph Roth-Rotem (Editor-in-Chief; Kefar-Saba, Israel:
Beit Berl College, 2003; Hebrew and English sections), xi + 200 pages.
- Over 100 articles in peer-reviewed top-ranked international journals and book-chapters
- Numerous articles in professional Encyclopedias, Lexicons and Dictionaries
- Many book reviews and book abstracts