
Joost-Pieter Katoen - Curriculum Vitae#

Biographical summary

Joost-Pieter Katoen is chairing the Software Modeling and Verification Group at RWTH Aachen University (since December 2004) and is currently Head of the Computer Science Department. He is part-time (20%) professor at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He holds a MSc (with honours) and Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the University of Twente (1987 and 1996, respectively). He was a research scientist at Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven (1990--1992), research associate at the University of Twente (1992-1996), postdoctoral researcher at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (1997-1999), and associate professor at the University of Twente (1999-2004). He was a visiting professor at the University of Birmingham (several research stays in 2000--2003), and is a visiting professor at the University of Oxford (4 months in 2013).


Katoen's research focuses on the foundations of software modeling and verification with an emphasis on quantitative system aspects. His main research interests are: model checking, formal semantics, probabilistic models, and software verification. In the last decade he has been strongly involved in the integration of formal modeling techniques (such as process algebras) and model-checking techniques into performance evaluation. His model checker ETMCC (2000), later followed by MRMC (2005) was the first model checker for continuous-time stochastic models. Other software tools from Katoen's group include Smyle, a tool that supports A*-like learning of communicating automata from message sequence charts (2007), libalf, an open-source library for learning formal languages (2010), and Comics, a tool for counterexample generation in probabilistic model checking (2011). One of his major achievements in the last five years is integrating model checking into the engineering process of aerospace systems. Supported by several research grants from the European Space Agency (ESA), his team has defined a formal semantics of extended AADL, and developed an industrial-competitive tool-set: COMPASS. To date, this is the largest industrial project that uses probabilistic verification.

Katoen has graduated 12 Ph.D students and supervised a number of postdoctoral researchers, some of whom have gone on to successful academic careers (e.g., students: Jansen (Nijmegen), Han (Oxford), D' Argenio (Cordoba, Argentina) and Distefano (QMU, London); postdocs: Lozes (ENS Cachan, now at Kassel), Srivathsan (from summer 2013 at Chennai Mathematical Institute).

He has been very successful in the acquisition of international projects. Since his appointment in Aachen, he has acquired 18 projects (total budget about 5,2 million euro), 80% of which are international projects.

Management activities.

Member Faculty Council University of Twente (1993--1995), Chairman of the Examination Board (2000--2004, Twente, 2008-2012, Aachen), Chair FMT Group in Twente (2002--2004), Editor Research Evaluation of CS Department Twente (2002), project leader of several national and international projects (since 1999). Since April 2012, he is Head of the CS Department at RWTH Aachen University. Katoen chaired several selection committee for professorships in Aachen: Junior-Professor on Theory of Hybrid Systems (2008), Full Professor on Parallel Programming (2009), and Full Professor on Logics and Automata Theory (2011). He chaired the Evaluation Committee of Junior-Professor on Theory of Hybrid Systems (2011). Member Selection Committee of Professorship in Theoretical Computer Science at Free University of Brussels, Belgium, 2012. Member Assessment Committee of Associate Professor DTU Lyngby, Denmark, 2012.

Katoen acted as invited speaker at several renowned conferences: CONCUR (2013), NATO Summerschool Marktoberdorf (2012), Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN/ACSD, 2012), VMCAI (2010), Formal Methods (FM, 2009), and FMCO (2005).

He received the Teaching Award 2010 from the Computer Science Department, RWTH Aachen University.


Katoen co-founded the international conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST) in 2001, and is member of the steering committees of various major international conferences in the field of model checking, stochastic and timed systems: European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (chair, the flagship conference on software modeling and verification in Europe), Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). He is currently chair of the steering committee of QEST.

He chaired the program committees of the international conferences on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR) in 2011, TACAS in 2002, QEST in 2004 and AMAST Workshop on Real-Time Systems (ARTS) in 1999 and organized four Dagstuhl seminars and three international PhD schools. Katoen organized QEST 2011, CONCUR 2011 and TGC 2011 in Aachen, QMC 2010 in Copenhagen, FMPA 2000 in Nijmegen, and ARTS 1999 in Bamberg. He serves on the editorial board of three international journals and has been member of the EPSRC Review College, 2006--2010. He served over more than 100 program committees of international conferences and workshops and is member of the board of the Dutch Society on Theoretical Computer Science (since 2004).
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