Aphra Kerr - Selected Publications#
Kerr, Aphra and Andrew Iliadis (Guest Editors, 2022) Independence. An Introduction to the #AoIR21 Special issue and including 9 papers from the Association for Internet Research Conference 2021, Information, Communication and Society. 2022. Vol (25) Issue 6. Pg 727-886. partial open access https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2022.2063063
Kerr, Aphra (2021) ‘The Circulation Game: shifting production logics and circulation moments in the digital games industry.’ In Digital Media Distribution. Portals, Platforms and Pipelines. Paul McDonald, Courtney Brannon Donoghue, and Timothy Havens (Eds.), New York: New York University Press. Chapter 5, pgs 107-125. ISBN 978-1-4798-0678-2 https://nyupress.org/9781479806782/digital-media-distribution
Kerr, Aphra (2021) ‘Before and After: Towards Inclusive Production Studies, Theories, and Methods.’ Afterword. Game Production Studies. Cultural Studies of Video Game Industries. (Eds.) Sotamaa, O. and Švelch, J., Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9789463725439
Hutchinson, J. and Aphra Kerr (Guest Editors, 2021) Life (online): An Introduction to the #AoIR20 Special Issue and including 7 papers from the Association for Internet Research Conference 2020, Information, Communication and Society. Vol (24) Issue 6. Pg 773-779. Pages 773-779. partial open access https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1909631
Kelleher, J. and Kerr, Aphra (2020) ‘Finding Common Ground for Citizen Empowerment in the Smart City.’ Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics. Guayaquil Archipelago: Epistemological Steps Towards a Real Smart City, Vol 22 (2), pgs. 33-61. http://www2.units.it/etica

Kerr, Aphra, Barry, M., and Kelleher, J. (2020) Expectations of Artificial Intelligence and the Performativity of Ethics: Implications for Communication Governance. Big Data and Society. Vol 7 (Issue 1). DOI: 10.1177/2053951720915939 [creative commons, open access, peer review]
Kerr, A and Joshua D. Savage (2020) ‘Hacking at the techno-feminist frontier – Gendered exclusion and inclusion in technology cultures.’ In Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender: Power, Production and Practice in Contemporary Ireland, Cullen, P. and Corcoran, M. (Eds.) Dublin: UCD Press.
Kerr, A., Musiani, F. and Pohle, J. (2019) Editorial. Communication and internet policy: a critical rights-based history and future. Guest editorial for special issue. Internet Policy Review, 8(1). [creative commons, open access, peer review]
Kerr, A. (2019) ‘Game Production Logics at Work: Convergence and Divergence.’ In Deuze, Mark and Prenger, Mirjam (Eds.) Making Media. Production, Practices, and Professions, Amsterdam University Press. Chapter 31. ISBN 9789462988118.
Kerr, A. (2017) Global Games: Production, Circulation and Policy in the Digital Games Industry. New York: Routledge
Kerr, A. (2016) ‘Recruitment, Work and Identity in Community Management: Passion, Precarity and Play’ in Webster, J. (Ed), Randle, K. (Ed) (2016) Virtual Workers and the Global Labour Market. Palgrave.
O’Keeffe, Linda and Kerr, Aphra. (2015) Reclaiming Public Space: Sound and Mobile Media Use by Teenagers. International Journal of Communication, [S.l.], v. 9, p. 21.
Kerr, A. and J. D. Kelleher (2015) The Recruitment of Passion and Community in the Service of Capital. Community Managers in the Digital Games Industry. Critical Studies in Media Communication 32(3): 177-192. DOI:10.1080/15295036.2015.1045005.
Kerr, A. (2006) The Business and Culture of Digital Games: Gamework/Gameplay. Sage: London.