
Herbert Kronke#

A short laudatio by Joseph Straus#

Herbert Kronke candidate is author or co-author of some 150 books and articles in the fields of law of contracts, commercial law, company law and capital markets law, conflict of laws, international civil procedure and arbitration.

Although Germany was a founding member of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), an intergovernmental organization with world-wide 63 member states, which was established in 1926, Kronke was the first German Secretary General of that institution. For long the working program of UNIDROIT was clearly dominated by activities focussed on the international sale of goods, law dealing with different aspects of international transportation, etc., under the guidance of the candidate the working program of UNIDROIT has been considerably broadened, with the most visible outcome to be seen in "UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts" and such projects as "International Interests in Mobile Equipment," "Transactions on Transnational and Connected Capital Markets", "Model Law on Leasing", etc. Apart hom his exceptional performance as the Secretary General of UNIDROIT, the candidate has also been one of the most influential experts advising the government of the People’s Republic of China on the Modernization of the Law of Contracts. Of no less importance has been his advisory work for the German Government and his engagement for the general promotion of the German law, which ended up in the establishment of an "Alliance for German 1aw" ("Btindnis fur das deutsche Recht”).

Herbert Kronke is editor or co-editor of a number of publications, of which IPRax - Praxis des internationalen Privat— und Verfahrensrechts, and the "Uniform Law Review/Revue de Droit Uniforme" should be mentioned.

Herbert Kronke is beyond doubt one of the leading European legal scholars in the area of comparative law, conflict of laws and arbitration. His work in all of these areas greatly contributed to remarkable developments of legal doctrine and, thanks to his official positions such as the Secretary General of UNIDROIT, also led to the adoption of concrete legal instruments. Honours and awards which the candidate has experienced during the last decades, clearly demonstrate the high esteem which the academic community holds of his skills and performance. The positions with which he has been entrusted in international governmental organizations as well as private organizations also demonstrate the great confidence which the respective decision makers have in Professor Kronke.

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