
Ada Kruisbeek - Biography#

Ada M. Kruisbeek is scientific director of TTO VU & VUmc. She has more than 30 years of managerial experience in science and business, and is an expert in cancer and immunology. Ada Kruisbeek worked at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, from 1978 until 1992. She then became Head of the Department of Immunology at the Nederlands Kanker Instituut-Antoni van Leeuwenhoekhuis (NKI-AVL) in Amsterdam from 1992 till 2001. She published close to 140 papers, many of which appeared in peer-reviewed top-journals, including Nature, Science and Immunity, and served on multiple advisory boards of national and international scientific agencies, research institutes and companies. In 2001, she moved to industry and became Senior Vice-President Research at Crucell BV. In 2004, Ada Kruisbeek moved to the VU and VUmc and founded Technology Transfer Office (TTO) VU & VUmc. She also worked with the Amsterdam Innovation Motor in founding the Amsterdam BioMedCluster in 2006 and the Life Sciences Center Amsterdam in 2007.

Areas of expertise: business development, cluster formation, technology transfer, general management and managing drug development in spin-off companies and partnering with industry.

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