
Angeliki Laiou - Selected Publications#

  • The Economic History of Byzantium, 3 vols. (ed. in chief) Washington, D.C. (2002)
  • Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies (1993)
  • Mariage, amour et parenté à Byzance, XI-XIIIième siècles (1992)
  • Population Movements in the Greek Countryside During the Civil War (1940-49) (1987)
  • "Un notaire vénitien à Constantinople: Antonio Bresciano et le commerce international en 1350" in Byzantina Sorbonesia (1987)
  • Peasant Society in the Late Byzantine Empire: A Social and Demographic Study (1977)
  • Constantinople and the Latins: The Foreign Policy of Andronicus II, 1282-1328 (1972)
  • TUUrbs capta. The Fourth Crusade and its Consequences; La IVe croisade et ses consequences in LetLethielleux (222005)
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