Alexander Levitzki#
List of publications
Major publications#
1. Levitzki, A., D. Atlas, and M.L. Steer, The binding characteristics and number . of beta-adrenergic receptors on the turkey erythrocyte. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1974. 71. 2773-6.2. Atlas, D. and A. Levitzki, Tentative identification of beta-adrenoreceptor subunits. Nature, 1978. 272. 370-1.
3. Henis, Y.I. and A. Levitzki, Mechanism of negative cooperativity in glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase deduced from ligand competition experiments. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1980. 77. 5055-59.
4. Yaish, P., Gazit, A., Gilon, C., Levitzki, A., Blocking of EGF-dependent cell proliferation by EGF receptor kinase inhibitors. Science, 1988. 242, 933-5.
5. Gross, E., D. Goldberg, and A. Levitzki, Phosphorylation of the S. cerevisiae Cdc25 in response to glucose results in its dissociation from Ras. Nature, 1992. 360. 762-5.
6. Anafi, M., Gazit, A., Zehavi, A., Ben-Neriah, Y.,Levitzki, A., Tyrphostin- induced inhibition of p210bcr-abl tyrosine kinase activity induces K562 to differentiate. Blood, 1993. 82. 3524-9.
7. Kovalenko, M., Gazit, A., Bohmer, A., Rorsman, C.,Ronnstrand, L.,Heldin, C.H., Waltenberger, J.,Bohmer, F. D.,Levitzki, A., Selective platelet-derived growth factor receptor kinase blockers reverse sis-transformation. Cancer Res, 1994. 54. 6106-14
8. Shir, A. and A. Levitzki, Inhibition of glioma growth by tumor-specific activation of double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR. Nat Biotechnol, 2002. 20. 895-900.
9. Blun, G., A. Gazit, and A. Levitzki, Development of new insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor kinase inhibitors using catechol mimics. J Biol Chem, 2003. 278. 40442-54.
10. Levitzki, A. and E. Mishani, Tyiphostins and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Annu Rev Biochem, 2006. 75: 93-109.