Francine-Dominique Liechtenhan - Selected Publications#

Catherine II ou le courage triomphant, monograph with bibliography, notes, maps and index, Perrin, 2021, 477 p.-

Le Grand pillage ; du butin des nazis aux trophées des Soviétiques, revised and corrected edition, Éd. Ouest-France, 2017, 348 p.

Pierre le Grand, premier empereur de toutes les Russies, Tallandier, 2015, 687 p. Book ranked second in the Grand Prix for Political Biography 2015, translated into Russian: Petr Velikij. Okno v Evropy, roždenie rossijskoj imperii, Moscow, ROSSPEN, 2021.

With Gwenola Firmin, Thierry Sarmant, Catalogue of the exhibition Peter the Great, a Tsar in France, 1717, Château de Versailles, Lienart, 2017, 240 p. (French edition, Un tsar en France, 1717)

With D. Redine, Peter the Great's Second Great Journey to Europe, special issue of Quaestio Rossica, (2017, vol. 5, no. 2; 2018, vol. 6, no. 1; 2018, vol. 7, no. 1).

With Thierry Claeys and Kerstin S. Jobst, Les Relations économiques, financières et technologiques entre la Russie et l'Occident à l'aube de la Première Guerre mondiale, special issue of the Revue française d'Histoire économique, 2017-I-II (out in 2019), 235 pp.

With Kerstin Susanne Jobst, "Wissenschaftliche, technologische und finanzielle Investitionen und Interaktionen europäischer Staaten im Zarenreich und die Vorzeichen des Ersten Weltkriegs seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jh.", Quaestio Rossica, no. 4, 2015 [published with the title “Russia as a Laboratory for European Projects” as a foreword to the special issues of Quaestio Rossica, no 3, 2015 and no 4, 2015].

With A. O. Tshubarian, Francuzy v naučnoj i intellektual'noj žizni Rossii v XIX v, Moscow, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011-2013, 3 vols.

Critical edition: Favier, Jean-Louis, Geopolitics of the North, Jean-Louis Favier's Observations on Russia in 1761, SPM, Kronos, 2016, 229 p.

Critical edition: Bernardo Ribera, Brief historical account of the status of the Muscovite Church, I Domenicani e la Russia, a cura di Viliam Štefan Dóci e Hyacinthe Destivelle, con la collaborazione di Fabio Simonelli, Roma, Angelicum University Press, 2020 (Dissertationes Historicae, XXXVII), pp. 97-140.

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