
Sonia Livingstone - Curriculum Vitae#

1982, BsC in psychology, University College London honours
1987, Dphil in social psychology, Universty of Oxford. Doctoral research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, UK
Since 1990 lecturer, senior lecturer and full professor at London School of Economics, UK.

Taking a comparative, critical and contextualised approach, Livingstone's research asks why and how the changing conditions of mediation are reshaping everyday practices and possibilities for action, identity and communication rights. Her empirical work examines the opportunities and risks afforded by digital and online technologies, including for children and young people at home and school, for developments in media and digital literacies, and for audiences, publics and the public sphere more generally, with a recent focus on children’s rights in the digital age.

She is an international pioneer in successfully directing a number of large-scale comparative projects such as Children and their Changing Media Environment (1995-2001), EU Kids Online (2006-14), Global Kids Online (2016- ), Preparing for a Digital Future (2014-17).

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