
Hubert Locher - Curriculum Vitae#

Hubert Locher is Professor for the history and theory of visual media at the Philips-University Marburg, and director of the German Documentation Centre for Art History – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK, http://www.fotomarburg.de), since 2008. After studying art history and German literature in Fribourg (Switzerland), Berlin, Gießen and Stuttgart, he completed his PhD at the University of Bern in 1992 with a monograph on Raphael and the renaissance altarpiece (Raffael und das Altarbild der Reniassance, published Berlin 1994). After working for a short period at the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK) in the publications department, he took up the post of an Assistant Professor at the ETH Zurich (1992-1995), where he was in charge of organizing and establishing a post-graduate course in the history and theory of art and architecture for trained architects. He was awarded a three-years grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (1995-1998) in order to complete his habilitation study on the history and theory of art history, published as a book in 2001 (Kunstgeschichte als historische Theorie der Kunst, second, corr. printing Munich 2010). Between 1998 and 2008 he taught as Professor for Art History at the Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart.

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