
Sylvie Lorente - Selected Publications#

1. Design with Constructal Theory, A. Bejan & S. Lorente, Wiley, Hoboken, 2008.

2. Porous and Complex Flow Structures in Modern Technologies, A. Bejan, I. Dincer, S. Lorente, A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis, Springer, New York, 2004.

3. Lartigue, S. Lorente, B. Bourret, Multicellular natural convection in a high aspect ratio cavity : experimental and numerical results, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 43, pp. 3157-3170, 2000.

4. S. Lorente, J.P. Ollivier, Scale analysis of electrodiffusion through porous media, J. Porous Media, Vol. 9(4), pp. 307-320, 2006.

5. S. Lorente, D. Voinitchi, P. Bégué-Escaffit, X. Bourbon, The single-valued diffusion coefficient for ionic diffusion through porous media, J. Applied Physics, Vol. 101(2), 024907, 2007.

6. S. Lorente, Constructal view of electrokinetic transfer through porous media, J. Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 40(9), pp. 2941-2947, 2007.

7. S. Lorente, J. Lee and A. Bejan, The “flow of stresses” concept: the analogy between mechanical strength and heat convection, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp. 2963-2968, 2010.

8. S. Lorente, E. Cetkin, T. Bello-Ochende, J.P. Meyer, A. Bejan, The constructal law physics of why swimmers must spread their fingers and toes, J. Theoretical Biology, Vol. 308, pp. 141-146, 2012.

9. S. Lorente, Constructal law applications to efficient design: electrokinetics systems and enclosures for heat transfer, ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol 137, DOI: 10.1115/1.4029853, 2015.

10. T. Wattez, S. Lorente, From pore network prediction based on the Constructal law to macroscopic properties of porous media, Journal of Physics D, Vol. 48, 2015.

11. B. Seng, S. Lorente, C. Magniont, Scale analysis of heat and moisture transfer through bio-based materials ─ Application to hemp concrete, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 155, pp. 546-558, 2017.

12. A. Malley-Ernewein, S. Lorente, Constructal Design of Thermochemical Energy Storage, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 130, pp. 1299-1306, 2019.

13. M. Mosa, M. Labat, S. Lorente, Role of flow architecture on the design of radiant cooling panels, a Constructal approach, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 150, pp. 1345-1352, 2019.

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