
Nicholas Mackintosh - List of publications#

    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Honig, W.K. (Eds.) (1969). Fundamental issues in associative learning. Halifax: Dalhousie University Press.
    • Sutherland, N.S. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1971). Mechanisms of animal discrimination learning. New York: Academic Press.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1974). The psychology of animal learning. London: Academic Press.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1983). Conditioning and associative learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (Ed.) (1994). Handbook of Perception and Cognition, vol. 9: Animal Learning and Cognition. San Diego, CA.: Academic Press.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (Ed.) (1995). Cyril Burt: Fraud or Framed? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1998). IQ and Human Intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Journal articles

    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1962). The effects of overtraining on a reversal and a nonreversal shift. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 555-559.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1963). The effect of irrelevant cues on reversal learning in the rat. British Journal of Psychology, 54, 127-134.
    • Sutherland N.S., Mackintosh, N.J. & Mackintosh, J. (1963). Simultaneous discrimination training inOctopus and transfer of discrimination along a continuum. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56, 150-156.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1963). Extinction of a discrimination habit as a function of overtraining. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56, 842-847.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1963). Direct transfer from a horizontal vertical discrimination to a brightness discrimination in the rat. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15, 212-213.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Mackintosh, J. (1963). Reversal learning in Octopus vulgaris Lamarck with and without irrelevant cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 15, 236-242.
    • Sutherland, N.S., Mackintosh, J. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1963). The visual discrimination of reduplicated patterns by Octopus. Animal Behaviour, 11, 106-110.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Mackintosh, J. & Sutherland, N.S. (1963). The relative importance of horizontal and vertical extents in shape discrimination by Octopus. Animal Behaviour, 11, 355-358.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1964). Overtraining and transfer within and between dimensions in the rat. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 16, 250-256.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Mackintosh, J. (1964). Performance of Octopus over a series of reversals of simultaneous discrimination. Animal Behaviour, 12, 321-324.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Mackintosh, J. (1964). The effect of overtraining on a nonreversal shift in Octopus. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 106, 373-377.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). The effect of attention on the slope of generalization gradients. British Journal of Psychology, 56, 87-93.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Overtraining, transfer to proprioceptive control and position reversal. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 26-36.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Incidental cue learning in rats. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 292-300.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Overtraining, reversal, and extinction in rats and chicks. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59, 31-36.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Selective attention in animal discrimination learning. Psychological Bulletin, 64, 124-50.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & olgate, V. (1965). Overtraining and the extinction of a discrimination in Octopus. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60, 260-262.
    • Sutherland, N.S., Mackintosh, N.J. & Wolfe, J.B. (1965). Extinction as a function of the order of partial and consistent reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 56-59.
    • Sutherland, N.S., Mackintosh, N.J. & Mackintosh, J. (1965). Shape and size discrimination inOctopus: The effects of pretraining along different dimensions. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 106, 1-10.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Transposition after 'single-stimulus' training. American Journal of Psychology, 78, 116-119.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1965). Discrimination learning in the Octopus. Animal Behaviour, Supplement, 1, 129-134.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Mackintosh, J., Safriel-Journe, O. & Sutherland, N.S. (1966). Overtraining, reversal and extinction in the goldfish. Animal Behaviour, 14, 314-318.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Holgate, V. (1967). Effects of several pretraining procedures on brightness probability learning. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 25, 629-637.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Holgate, V. (1968). Effects of inconsistent reinforcement on reversal and nonreversal shifts. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 154-159
    • Mackintosh, N.J., McGonigle, B., Holgate, V. & Vanderver, V. (1968). Factors underlying improvement in serial reversal learning. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 22, 85-95.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Holgate, V. (1969). Serial reversal training and nonreversal shift learning. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 67, 89-93.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1969). Further analysis of the overtraining reversal effect. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Monograph, 67, Part 2, 1-18.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Little, L. (1969). Intradimensional and extradimensional shift learning by pigeons. Psychonomic Science, 14, 5-6.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Little, L. (1969). Selective attention and response strategies as factors in serial reversal learning. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 23, 335-346.
    • Over, R. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1969). Cross-modal transfer of intensity discrimination by rats. Nature, 224, 918-919.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Little, L. (1970). Effects of different patterns of reinforcement on performance under massed or spaced extinction. Psychonomic Science, 20, 1-2.
    • Turner, C. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1970). Continuity theory revisited: Comments on Wolford and Bower. Psychological Review, 77, 577-580.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Honig, W.K. (1970). Blocking and enhancement of stimulus control in pigeons. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 73, 78-85.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1970). Distribution of trials and the partial reinforcement effect in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 73, 341-348.
    • Miles, C.G., Mackintosh, N.J. & Westbrook, R.F. (1970). Redistributing control between the elements of a compound stimulus. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 22, 478-483.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Little, L. (1970). An analysis of transfer along a continuum. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 24, 363-369.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Cauty, A. (1971). Spatial reversal learning in rats, pigeons and goldfish. Psychonomic Science, 22 281-282.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Lord., J. & Little, L. (1971). Visual and spatial probability learning in pigeons and goldfish. Psychonomic Science, 24, 221-223.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1971). An analysis of overshadowing and blocking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 23, 118-125.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Turner, C. (1971). Blocking as a function of novelty of CS and predictability of UCS. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 23, 359-366.
    • Likely, D., Little, L. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1971). Extinction as a function of magnitude and percentage of food or sucrose reward. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 25, 130-137.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1971). Reward and aftereffects of reward in the learning of goldfish. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 76, 225-232.
    • Turner, C. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1972). Stimulus selection and irrelevant stimuli in discrimination learning by pigeons. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 78, 1-9.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Little, L. & Lord, J. (1972). Some determinants of behavioral contrast in pigeons and rats. Learning and Motivation, 3, 143-161.
    • Gray, V.A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1973). Control by an irrelevant stimulus in discrete-trial discrimination learning by pigeons. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1, 193-195.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Lord, J. (1973). Simultaneous and successive contrast with delay of reward. Animal Learning and Behavior, 1, 283-286.
    • St. Claire-Smith, R. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1974). Complete suppression to a compound CS does not block further conditioning to each element. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 28, 92-101.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1974). A search for contrast effects in discrete-trial discrimination learning by pigeons. Learning and Motivation, 5, 311-327.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1975). Critical Notice of L.J. Kamin’s Science and Politics of IQ. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 27, 672-86.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1975). A theory of attention: variations in the associability of stimuli with reinforcement. Psychological Review, 82, 276-298.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1975). Blocking of conditioned suppression: role of the first compound trial. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes, 1, 335-345.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1976). Overshadowing and stimulus intensity. Animal Learning and Behaviour, 4, 186-192.
    • Dickinson, A., Hall, G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1976). Surprise and the attenuation of blocking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 2, 313-322.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Bygrave, D.J. & Picton, B.M.B. (1977). Locus of the effect of a surprising reinforcer in the attenuation of blocking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29, 327-336.
    • Hall, G., Mackintosh, N.J., Goodall, G. & Martello, M. (1977). Loss of control by a less valid or by a less salient stimulus compounded with a better predictor of reinforcement. Learning and Motivation, 8, 145-158.
    • Baker, A.G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1977). Excitatory and inhibitory conditioning following uncorrelated presentations of CS and US. Animal Learning and Behavior, 5, 315-319.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Limits on reinterpreting instrumental conditioning in terms of classical conditioning. The Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 1, 67.
    • Leyland, C.M. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Blocking of first- and second-order autoshaping in pigeons. Animal Learning and Behavior, 6, 391-394.
    • Dickinson, A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Classical conditioning in animals. Annual Review of Psychology, 29, 587-612.
    • Dickinson, A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1979). Reinforcer specificity in the enhancement of conditioning by posttrial surprise. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 5, 162-177.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Reese, B. (1979). One-trial overshadowing. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 31, 519-526.
    • Baker, A.G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1979). Pre-exposure to the CS alone, US alone, or CS and US uncorrelated: latent inhibition, blocking by context or learned irrelevance? Learning and Motivation, 10, 278-294.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Dickinson, A. & Cotton, M.M. (1980). Surprise and blocking: effects of the number of compound trials. Animal Learning and Behavior, 8, 387-391.
    • Holman, J.G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1981). The control of appetitive instrumental responding does not depend on classical conditioning of the discriminative stimuli. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 33B, 21-31.
    • Garrud, P., Goodall, G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1981). Overshadowing of a stimulus-reinforcer association by an instrumental response. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 33B, 123-135.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1981). A new measure of intelligence? Nature, 289, 529-530.
    • Cotton, M.M., Goodall, G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1982). Inhibitory conditioning resulting from a reduction in the magnitude of reinforcement. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 34B, 163-180.
    • Dickinson, A., Nicholas, D.J. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1983). A re-examination of one-trial blocking in conditioned suppression. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 35B, 67-79.
    • Lovibond, P., Preston, G.C. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1984). Contextual control of conditioning and latent inhibition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 10, 360-375.
    • Garrud, P., Rawlins, J.N.P., Mackintosh, N.J. Goodall, G., Cotton, M.M. & Feldon, J. (1984). Successful overshadowing and blocking in hippocampectomized rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 12, 39-53.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Wilson, B. & Boakes, R.A. (1985). Differences in mechanisms of intelligence among vertebrates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, 308B, 53-66.
    • Diez-Chanizo, V., Sterio, D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1985). Blocking and overshadowing between intra-maze and extra-maze cues: a test of the independence of locale and guidance learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 37B, 235-253.
    • Wilson, B., Boakes, R.A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1985). Matching and oddity learning in pigeons: transfer effects and the absence of relational learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 37B, 295-312.
    • Wilson, B., Boakes, R.A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1985). Transfer of relational rules in matching and oddity learning by pigeons and corvids. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 37B, 313-332.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1986). The biology of intelligence? British Journal of Psychology, 77, 1-18.
    • Durlach, P. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1986). Transfer of serial reversal learning in the pigeon. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38B, 81-95.
    • Preston, G.C., Dickinson, A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1986). Contextual conditional discriminations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 38B, 217-237.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1986). Tolman and modern conditioning theory. British Journal of Psychology, 77, 517-523.
    • Goodall, G. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1987). Analysis of the Pavlovian properties of signals for punishment. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 39B, 1-21.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1987). Neurobiology, psychology and habituation. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 25(2), 81-97.
    • Kaye, H., Preston, G.C., Szabo, L., Druiff, H. and Mackintosh, N.J. (1987). Context specificity of conditioning and latent inhibition: evidence for a dissociation of latent inhibition and associative interference. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 39B, 127-145.
    • Neuenschwander, N., Fabrigoule, C. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1987). Fear of the warning signal during overtraining of avoidance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 39B, 23-33.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1988). Comparator theories of habituation: A reply. Biological Psychology, 27, 65-67.
    • Kaye, H., Gambini, B. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1988). A dissociation between one-trial overshadowing and the effect of a distractor on habituation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40B, 31-47.
    • Kaye, H., Swietalski, N. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1988). Distractor effects on latent inhibition are a consequence of generalization decrement. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40B, 151-161.
    • Kaye, H., Swietalski, N. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1988). Habituation as a function of similarity and temporal location of target and distractor stimuli. Animal Learning & Behavior, 16, 93-99.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1988). Approaches to the study of animal intelligence. British Journal of Psychology, 79, 509-526.
    • Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1989). Latent learning and latent inhibition in maze discriminations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 41B, 21-31.
    • Kaye, H, Mackintosh, N.J., Rothschild, M., & Moore, B.P. (1989). Odour of pyrazine potentiates an association between environmental cues and unpalatable taste. Animal Behaviour, 37, 563-568.
    • Kaye, H. and Mackintosh, N.J. (1990). A change of context can enhance performance of an aversive but not of an appetitive conditioned response. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42B, 113-134.
    • Todd, I.A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1990). Evidence for perceptual learning in pigeons' recognition memory for pictures. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42B, 385-400.
    • Trobalon, J.B., Sansa, J., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1991). Perceptual learning in maze discriminations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43B, 389-402.
    • Mackintosh, N.J., Kaye, H. & Bennett, C.H. (1991). Perceptual learning in flavour aversion conditioning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 43B, 297-322.
    • Trobalon, J.B., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1992). Role of context in perceptual learning in maze discriminations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 44B, 57-73.
    • March, J., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1992). Reciprocal overshadowing between intra-maze and extra-maze cues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45B, 49-63.
    • West, A.M., Mackintosh, N.J. & Mascie-Taylor, C.G.N. (1992). Cognitive and educational attainment in different ethnic groups. Journal of Biosocial Science, 24, 539-554.
    • Rodrigo, T., Chamizo, V-D, McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1994). Effects of pre-exposure to the same or different pattern of extra-maze cues on subsequent extra-maze discrimination. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47B, 15-26.
    • Bennett, C.H., Wills, S.J., Wells, J.O. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1994). Reduced generalization following preexposure: latent inhibition of common elements or a difference in familiarity? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 20, 232-239.
    • McLaren, I.P.L., Bennett, C.H., Plaisted, K.C., Aitken, M.R.F. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1994). Latent inhibition, context specificity, and context familiarity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47B, 387-400.
    • McLaren, I.P.L., Bennett, C.H., Guttman-Nahir, T. Kim, K & Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Prototype effects and peak shift in categorization. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 21, 662-673.
    • Bennett, C.H., Maldonado, A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Learned irrelevance is not the sum of exposure to CS and to US. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 48B, 117-128.
    • Plaisted, K.C., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Visual search for cryptic stimuli in pigeons: implications for the search image and search rate hypothesis. Animal Behaviour, 50, 1219-1232.
    • Espinet, A., Iraola, J.A., Bennett, C.H. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Inhibitory associations between neutral stimuli in flavor aversion conditioning. Animal Learning & Behaviour, 23, 361-368.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Categorization by people and pigeons. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 48B, 193-214.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1995). Insight into Intelligence. Nature, 377, No. 6550, 581-582.
    • Aitken, M.R.F., Bennett, C.H., McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1996). Perceptual differentiation during categorization learning by pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 22, 43-50.
    • Bennett, C.H., Tremain, M., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1996). Facilitation and retardation of flavour aversion conditioning following prior exposure to the CS. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 49B, 220-230.
    • Sansa, J., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1996). Apprendizaje perceptivo en discriminaciones espaciales. Psicologia, 17, 279-295.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1996). Sex differences and IQ. Journal of Biosocial Science, 28, 559-571.
    • Plaisted, K. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1997). Simple theories can explain complex behaviour: The phenomenon of search images. Actes des Colloques de la S.F.E.C.A. Compte-rendu du 28ème colloque annuel. Plasticité du Comportement Animal; Origine et Expression, pp. 43-55.
    • Rodrigo, T., Chamizo, V.D., McLaren, I.P.L., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1997). Blocking in the spatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 23, 110-118.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1997). Has the wheel turned full circle? Fifty years of learning theory, 1946-1996. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 50A, 879-898.
    • Wills, S.J., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1998). Peak shift on an artificial dimension. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 51B, 1-31.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1998). Sex differences in IQ: A reply to Lynn. Journal of Biosocial Sciences, 30, 533-539.
    • Dwyer, D.M., Mackintosh, N.J. & Boakes, R.A. (1998). Simultaneous activation of the representation of absent cues result in the strengthening of an excitatory association between them. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 24, 163-171.
    • Sanchez-Moreno, J., Rodrigo, T., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1999). Overshadowing in the spatial domain. Animal Learning and Behaviour, U27U, 391-398.
    • Prados, J., Chamizo, V.D. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1999). Latent inhibition and perceptual learning in a swimming pool navigation task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 25, 37-44.
    • Wills, S.J. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1999). Relational learning in pigeons? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52B, 31-52.
    • Bennett, C.H. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1999). Comparison and contrast as a mechanism of perceptual learning? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 52B, 253-272.
    • Bennett, C.H., Scahill, V.L., Griffiths, D.P., & Mackintosh, N.J. (1999). The role of inhibitory associations in perceptual learning. Animal Learning & Behavior, 27, 333-345.
    • Bennett, C.H., Wills, S.J., Oakeshott, S.M., & Mackintosh, N.J. (2000). Is the context specificity of latent inhibition a sufficient explanation of learned irrelevance? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 53B, 239-253.
    • McLaren, I.P.L. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2000). Associative learning and elemental representations. I: A theory and its application to latent inhibition and perceptual learning. Animal Learning & Behavior, 26, 211-246.
    • Dwyer, D., Bennett, C.H. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2001). Evidence for inhibitory associations between the unique elements of two compound flavours Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54B, 97-107.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Bennett, E.S. (2002). IT, IQ, and perceptual speed. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 685-693.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (2002). Do not ask whether they have a cognitive map, but how they find their way about. Psicologia, 23, 165-185.
    • McLaren, I.P.L. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2002). Associative learning and elemental representation II: Generalization and Discrimination. Animal Learning and Behavior, 30, 177-200.
    • Dwyer, D.M. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2002). Alternating exposure to two compound flavors creates inhibitory associations between their unique features. Animal Learning & Behavior, 30, 201-207.
    • Trobalon, J.B., Miguelez, D., McLaren, I.P.L. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2003). Intradimensional and extradimensional shifts in spatial learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 29, 143-152.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Bennett, E.S. (2003). The fractionation of working memory maps onto different components of intelligence. Intelligence, 31, 519-531.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (2003). Pavlov and associationism. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 6, 177-184.
    • Scahill, V.L. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2004). The easy to hard effect and perceptual learning in flavor aversion conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 30, 96-103.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Bennett, E.S. (2005). What do Raven’s Matrices measure? An analysis in terms of sex differences. Intelligence, 33, 663-674.
    • Chamizo, V.D., Manteiga, R.D., Rodrigo, T. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2006). Competition between landmarks in spatial learning: The role of proximity to the goal, Behavioural Processes, 71, 59-65.
    • Chamizo, V.D., Rodrigo, T. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2006). Spatial integration with rats. Learning and Behavior, 34, 348-354.
    • Gebauer, G.F. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2007). Psychometric intelligence dissociates implicit and explicit learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, (in press).
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (2007). Reply to Colom and Abad (2006), Intelligence, (in press).
    • Plaisted, K., Bell, S. & Mackintosh, N.J. (2007). The role of mathematical skill in sex differences on items of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. Personality and Individual Differences, (in press).

Chapters in books

    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1969). Comparative psychology of serial reversal and probability learning: rats, birds and fish. In R. Gilbert & N.S. Sutherland (Eds.) Animal discrimination learning. London: Academic Press, pp. 137-162.
    • Bitterman, M.E. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1969). Habit-reversal and probability learning: Rats, birds, and fish. Part 1. In R.M. Gilbert and N.S. Sutherland (Eds.), Animal discrimination learning. London: Academic Press, pp. 163-185.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1970). Attention and probability learning. In D.I. Mostofsky (Ed.) Attention: Contemporary theory and analysis. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp. 173-191.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1973). Stimulus selection: Learning to ignore stimuli that predict no change in reinforcement. In R.A. Hinde & J.S. Hinde (Eds.) Constraints on learning. London: Academic Press, pp. 75-96.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1975). From classical conditioning to discrimination learning. In W.K. Estes (Ed.) Handbook of learning and cognitive processes, Vol. 1. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, pp. 151-189.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1977). Conditioning as the perception of causal relations. In R. Butts & J. Hintikka (Eds.) Logic, methodology and philosophy of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., pp. 241-250.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1977). Stimulus control: Attentional Factors. In W.K. Honig & J.E.R. Staddon (Eds.) Handbook of operant behavior. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, pp. 481-513.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1977). Cognitive learning theories. In H. Zeier (Ed.) Psychology of the 20th Century: Pavlov and his followers. Zurich: Kindler Verlag, pp. 161-188.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Cognitive or associative theories of conditioning: implications of an analysis of blocking. In H. Fowler, W.K. Honig & S.H. Hulse (Eds.) Cognitive aspects of animal behavior. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, pp. 155-175.
    • Dickinson, A. & Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Classical conditioning in animals. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 29. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews Inc., pp. 587-612.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1978). Conditioning. In B.M. Foss (Ed.) Psychology Survey No. 1. London: Allen & Unwin, pp. 43-57.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Dickinson, A. (1979). Instrumental (type II) conditioning. In A. Dickinson & R.A. Boakes (Eds.) Mechanisms of learning and motivation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, pp. 143-169.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1981). Learning. In D.J. McFarland (Ed.) Oxford Companion to animal behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 336-346.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. (1983). General principles of learning. In T. Halliday & P.J.B. Slater (Eds.) Animal behaviour, Vol. 3: Genes, development and learning. Oxford: Blackwells, pp. 149-177.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & Cotton, M.M. (1985). Conditioned inhibition from reinforcement reduction. In R.R. Miller & N.E. Spear (Eds.) Conditioned inhibition. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, pp. 89-111.
    • Mackintosh, N.J. & MASCIE-TAYLOR, C.G.N. (1985). The IQ Question. In: Report of a Committee of Inquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minorities. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, pp. 126-163.
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