
Gesine Manuwald - Selected Publications#


Die Cyzicus-Episode und ihre Funktion in den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, Göttingen 1999 (Hypomnemata 127)

Fabulae praetextae. Spuren einer literarischen Gattung der Römer, München 2001 (Zetemata 108)

Pacuvius – summus tragicus poeta. Zum dramatischen Profil seiner Tragödien, München / Leipzig 2003 (BzA 191)

Cicero, Philippics 3–9. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Vol. 1: Introduction, Text and Translation, References and Indexes; Vol. 2: Commentary, Berlin / New York 2007 (Texte und Kommentare 30)

Cicero. Philippics. Edited and translated by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. Revised by John T. Ramsey and Gesine Manuwald, 2 vol., Cambridge (MA) / London 2009 (Cicero XVa / b; LCL 189 / 507)

Roman Drama: A Reader, London 2010

Roman Republican Theatre, Cambridge 2011

Tragicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (TrRF). Volumen II. Ennius, Göttingen 2012

Nero in Opera. Librettos as Transformations of Ancient Sources, Berlin / Boston 2013 (Transformationen der Antike 24)

Cicero, London 2014 (Understanding Classics)

Full publication list at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/classics/staff/fulltimestaff/gesinemanuwald/staff/fulltimestaff/gesinemanuwald/publications
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