
Diego Marconi - Biography#

Diego Marconi (L. in Filosofia, Torino 1969; PhD, Philosophy, Pittsburgh 1979) is professor of Philosophy of Language at the U. of Torino. He previously taught at the U. of Cagliari and the U. of Eastern Piedmont. He also gave logic and philosophy courses at Pittsburgh, Geneva and Barcelona. During his graduate studies he was a Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund (1974-76). At Eastern Piedmont he headed the Humanities Dept. (1997-2001), the philosophy curriculum (1992-95), the communication science curriculum (2001-03), and the Doctoral Program in Philosophy of language (1994-2004). In Torino he has been Chair of the advanced curriculum in Philosophy (2007-09). He is currently a member of the Research Observatory of the U. of Torino. He is or was a Senior Fellow of the Center for Philosophy of Science at Pittsburgh (1983), NATO-CNR Fellow (1987), Chercheur Associé at CREA (now the Centre Jean Nicod; 1996), Invited Research Scholar at the U. of California at Irvine (2004), Visiting scholar at Oxford (2010) and Barcelona (2010). He was President of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (1996-98) and belongs to the Boards of several Italian academic institutions. He was among the founders of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy (1990), being a member of the Society's first Steering Committee. He was a member of the Philosophy panel of ERIH (2005-06). He is currently the coordinator of the subpanel of Philosophy of the Italian Evaluation Agency (ANVUR). He belongs to the Editorial Board of several journals (Dialectica, Mind & Society, Eur. J. of Philosophy, Eur. J. for Philosophy of Science, Revue philosophique de Louvain, and others). He was or is a referee for those journals and many others, for the U. of Padova and Venice, and for Oxford UP. He was editor in chief of Dizionario Palazzi-Folena della lingua italiana (with C. Marello, 1986-92) and the 2nd edition of Enciclopedia Garzanti di Filosofia (with M. Ferraris, 1993).
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