Guido Martinotti - Curriculum vitae#
- 1960 Doctor degree in Law from the University of Milan, thesis on "Sociological interpretations of Fascism"
- 1962 Postgraduate work in the Departments of Sociology at Columbia University and at UC Berkeley
Academic Career
- 1966-1969 Professor at the Faculty of Architettura of the Polytechnic of Milan
- 1969-1975 Professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Milan
- 1974 "Directeur d'études associé" at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes of Paris
- 1975-1981 Professor at the University of Turin
- 1978-1981 Dean of the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin
- 1982-1989 Professor at the University of Pavia
- 1986- Visiting professor at the Department of Sociology of the University of California - Santa Barbara
- 1989-1994 Co-ordinator of the Doctorate in Sociology of the Consortium of the Universities of Pavia, Milan and Turin
- 1989-1998 Professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Milan
- 1998 Fellow of the E.M. Remarque Institute at the New York University
Research activities
- 1975-1981 Member of the Board of the Institute of Education of the Fondation Europeenne de la Culture
- 1977-1983 Member of the Board and President of IFDO (International Federation of Data Organizations)
- 1990- Memeber of the Sociology Group at the European Academy
- 1990-1994 Italian rappresentative at the Technical Committee of Social Sciences
- 1991-1993 Vice-President of the ECSR ( European Consortium for Sociological Research)
- 1991-1993 Member of the work team for the eleboration of the "Three-year Plane for the Development of the Italian University" (President: Minister Antonio Ruberti)
- 1991-1993 Member of the COST (Cooperation europeenne dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique)
- 1991-1994 Member of the Board at the Research Support Scheme of the Central European University of Prague
- 1992-1995 Convenor of the Sociology Group at the European Academy
- 1992-1996 Chairman of the Standing Committee for the Social Sciences of ESF (European Science Foundation)
- 1992-1996 Member of Comitè de Programme del PIR-Villes of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- 1994-1996 Member of the Commission of the Italian Governement for "Three-year plane for the Development of the Italian University" (president: Minister Umberto Colombo)
- 1994- Member of the Board of ESTA (European Science and Technology Assembly)
- 1994-1995 Chairman of the Working Party of TSER (Targeted Socio-Economic Research)
- 1995-1998 Expert and Delegate for Italy at the Management Committee of TSER, for the IV Framework Programme of the DG12 of the Commission of the European Communites
- 1996- Memeber of the Board of the European Academy
- 1997-1998 Co-ordinator of the work team for the "Reform of the didattic order of the Italian Universities" (funded by Minister Luigi Berlinguer)
- 1997-1998 Chairman of the Working Party of TSER (Targeted Socio-Economic Research)
- 1997- Memeber of Steering Committee of ESS, Blueprint for a European Social Survey, Scientific programm of ESF (European Science Foundation)
- 1998 Chairman of the Social Sciences Group at the European Academy
- 1998- Memeber of the Planning group of SCAST (Social Change and Sustainable Transport), PScientific programm of ESF in collaboratin with National Science Foundation.
- 1999- Member of the work team for the co-ordination of the Decres of Area of the Italian Government
- 1999- Member of the EAG, (External Advisory Group) of the DG12 of the Commission of the European Communites about "Improving the Human Potential and enlarging the socio-economic knowledge basis"
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