
David Masser - Selected publications#

1. Elliptic functions and transcendence, Lecture Notes in Math. 437, Springer 1975 (143 pp).

2. Division fields of elliptic functions, Bull. London Math. Soc. 9 (1977), 49-53.

3. Lower bounds for heights on elliptic curves (with M. Anderson), Math. Z. 174 (1980), 23-34.

4. Vanishing sums in function fields (with W. D. Brownawell), Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 100 (1986), 427-434.

5. Periods and minimal abelian subvarieties (with G. Wüstholz), Annals of Math. 137 (1993), 407-458.

6. Specializations of endomorphism rings of abelian varieties, Bull. Soc. Math. France 124 (1996), 457-476.

7. Intersecting a curve with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups (with E. Bombieri and U. Zannier), Int. Math. Research Notices 20 (1999), 1119-1140.

8. Mixing and linear equations over groups in positive characteristic, Israel J. Math. 142 (2004), 189-204.

9. Anomalous subvarieties - structure theorems and applications (with E. Bombieri and U. Zannier), Int. Math. Research Notices 2007, Article ID rnm057 (33 pages), doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnm057.

10. Torsion anomalous points and families of elliptic curves (with U. Zannier), Amer. J. Math.132 (2010), 1677-1691.
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