
Igor Maver - Biography#

He graduated in English and French languages and literatures in 1984 from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, and obtained his MA degree in the field of literature and cultural mediation (1988) at the same university. After a year of research as a doctoral student at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia (1989/90), he received his PhD at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (1990) with an international doctoral examination board, the dissertation topic »International Affiliations in Contemporary Australian Literature«. Due to his transdisciplinary interest in postcolonial economy he also took courses at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana and graduated in the first cycle; he received his BA in economics in 1986.

In 1994 he organized a large international conference on ethnic literatures written in English at Lake Bled in Slovenia. He was for one semester a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia (1995), lectured for one semester at the University of California at Davis, U.S.A. (1996), and gave a series of lectures at the University of Bonn (1997) and at the University of London (1998), Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies. He gave lectures as a Visiting Professor at the following universities: U of London, U of California at Davis, Bogazici University Istanbul, U of Rome, U of Edinburgh, U of East Anglia Norwich, U Ca'Foscari Venice, Ege University in Izmir, U of Bonn, U of Sydney, U of Brisbane, U of Vienna, U of Bologna, U of Paris-Sorbonne Nouvelle.

He has for several years annually lectured in the Intensive programme (IP), funded by the European Commission LLP programmes, convened at the University of Venice with the topic of crossborder and transcultural studies in English. He has lectures many times within the framework of Erasmus at various European universities.

He is the author of three monographs written in English (Bern 1997; Sydney and Nottingham 1999; Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2014), (co-)author of two books of essays (Ljubljana 2000, 2005), and editor of three books of critical essays (Frankfurt am Main 1996, Lanham, MD 2006; 2009). In 2006 he edited and co-authored a book Critics and Writers Speak: Revisioning Post-colonial Studies, published by Rowman and Littlefield Publishers-Lexington Books in the USA, and in 2009 Diasporic Subjectivity and Cultural Brokering in Contemporary Post-colonial Literatures. He is also the author of over two hundred scholarly articles and chapters published in various books and international journals.

Since 2001 he has been Professor of English and American literature in the Department of English at the Faculty of Arts (Chair of the literature section). He is Head of the American Studies Doctoral Programme at the Faculty of Arts/Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.

He has been financed for a number of years for his basic research in intercultural literary studies by the Slovenian Research Council and for two and three-year bilateral research programmes by SRC and individual national research councils of Austria, France, Turkey, and Scotland.
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