
Selected Publications#

Professor Mikos is the author of over 640 publications, which collectively have garnered over 83,000 citations and achieved an H-index of 150. The following are 10 of his major publications:

S.L. Ishaug, G.M. Crane, M.J. Miller, A.W. Yasko, M.J. Yaszemski, and A.G. Mikos, “Bone Formation by Three-Dimensional Stromal Osteoblast Culture in Biodegradable Polymer Scaffolds,” J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 36, 17-28 (1997).

W.T. Godbey, K.K. Wu, and A.G. Mikos, “Tracking the Intracellular Path of Poly(Ethylenimine)/DNA Complexes for Gene Delivery,” Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 5177-5181 (1999).

J.S. Temenoff and A.G. Mikos, “Tissue Engineering for Regeneration of Articular Cartilage,” Biomaterials, 21, 431-440 (2000).

G.N. Bancroft, V.I. Sikavitsas, J. van den Dolder, T.L. Sheffield, C.G. Ambrose, J.A. Jansen, and A.G. Mikos, “Fluid Flow Increases Mineralized Matrix Deposition in 3D Perfusion Culture of Marrow Stromal Osteoblasts in a Dose-Dependent Manner,” Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99, 12600-12605 (2002).

H. Shin, S. Jo, and A.G. Mikos, “Biomimetic Materials for Tissue Engineering,” Biomaterials, 24, 4353-4364 (2003).

Q.P. Pham, U. Sharma, and A.G. Mikos, “Electrospinning of Polymeric Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering Applications: A Review,” Tissue Eng., 12, 1197-1211 (2006).

L. Klouda and A.G. Mikos, “Thermoresponsive Hydrogels in Biomedical Applications,” Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 68, 34-45 (2008).

A. Atala, F.K. Kasper, and A.G. Mikos, “Engineering Complex Tissues,” Science Transl. Med., 4, 160rv12 (2012).

M. Santoro, S.-E. Lamhamedi-Cherradi, B.A. Menegaz, J.A. Ludwig, and A.G. Mikos, “Flow Perfusion Effects on Three-Dimensional Culture and Drug Sensitivity of Ewing Sarcoma,” Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 10304-10309 (2015).

J.L. Guo, Y.S. Kim, V.Y. Xie, B.T. Smith, E. Watson, J. Lam, H.A. Pearce, P.S. Engel, and A.G. Mikos, “Modular, Tissue-Specific, and Biodegradable Hydrogel Cross-Linkers for Tissue Engineering,” Science Adv., 5, eaaw7396 (11pp) (2019).

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