Stefania Milan - Selected Publications#


Milan, S., E. Treré and S. Masiero, eds. (2021). COVID-19 From the Margins. Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures (Theory on Demand Series #40).

Milan, S. (2013; paperback edition 2016). Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change, Palgrave Macmillan.

Croteau, D., W. Hoynes & S. Milan (2011). Media/Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences, 4e, Sage.


Milan, S. & D. Beraldo (2024). Data in movement: the social movement society in the age of datafication. Social Movement Studies, 23(3), 265–284.

ten Oever, N. & S. Milan (2022). The Making of International Communication Standards: Towards a Theory of Power in Standardization. Journal of Standardisation, 1.

Irion, K., Burri, M., A. Kolk, & S. Milan (2021). Governing “European values” inside data flows: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Internet Policy Review, 10(3).

Milan, S., L. Taylor, S. Gürses & M. Veale (2021). Promises made to be broken: digital vaccine certification as hyperrealistic immunity theatre. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 12, 382-392.

Kazansky, B. & S. Milan (2021). “Bodies Not Templates”. Contesting Mainstream Algorithmic Imaginaries, New Media & Society, 23(2): 363-381,

Milan, S. (2020). Techno-solutionism and the standard human in the making of the COVID-19 pandemic, Big Data & Society, July,

Milan, S. & E. Treré (2020). The rise of the data poor: The COVID-19 pandemic seen from the margins, Social Media + Society, July-December.

Milan, S. & S. Barbosa (2020). Enter the WhatsApper: Reinventing Digital Activism at the Time of Chat Apps, First Monday, 25 (1).

Milan, S., & Trerè, E. (2019). Big Data from the South(s): Beyond data universalism. Television & New Media, 20 (4), 319-335.

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