
Antonello Miranda - Selected Publications#

Italy uses the system of peer review and does not seem to have an "impact factor". The publications (in the years 2017-2023) have been considered officially by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research (ANVUR) as EXCELLENT. All data are accessible on the website of ANVUR.

1.) Miranda A (2023). Don't Put your Finger between Wife and Husband: or About the Futility of (Statutory) Law. In E. Guzik-Makaruk, K. Laskowska, W. Filipkowski

(a cura di), Current problems of the penal law and criminology. Liber Amicorum of Professor Emil W. Plywaczewski on the occasion of his 70th birthday (pp. 387-392). Warszawa: Prokuratura Krajowa.

2.) Miranda A (2023). Comparative perspectives in fighting organized crime. In B. Rider (Cur.), A research agenda for Economic Crime and Development (pp. 205-233). Edward Elgar Publishing.

3.) Miranda, A. (2023). Il Cognome della Famiglia in diritto comparato: la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale italiana 131/2022 e il contesto del Diritto inglese. COMPARAZIONE E DIRITTO CIVILE, 2, 791-808.

4.) Miranda A. (2023). L’USO ALTERNATIVO DEL DIRITTO PRIVATO: IL TRAFFICO DI ESSERI UMANI E I LIMITI DELLA LEGGE. In A. Bellavista, M. Marinelli (a cura di), Studi in onore di Alessandro Garilli (pp. 781-791). G. Giappichelli Editore srl.

5.) MIRANDA A. (2022), State and Society - the "Legal Culture" in the “Interdisciplinary” Comparison between Legislation and Family Law and between Law in the Book and Law in Action, in Ius Comparatum, Académie internationale de droit comparé-International Academy of Comparative Law, vol. 2, 227-316.

6.) MIRANDA A. (2022), La regina Elisabetta II (1926 – 2022), in InTrasformazione. Rivista di Storia delle Idee, 11:2, 5-9.

7.) MIRANDA, A., (2022), Il Trattato di Maastricht dopo 30 anni: a not so pearl jubilee?, in InTrasformazione. Rivista di Storia delle Idee, 11:1, pp. IV-XII, ISSN. 2281-1532 http://www.intrasformazione.com

8.) MIRANDA, A. (2021). Smoke gets in euro-eyes: fusione e fissione del diritto comunitario, in EUROPA E DIRITTO PRIVATO(3), 407-463. Page 7/11 - Curriculum vitae of Antonello Miranda

9.) Miranda A. (2021). Introduction to Law and Food. In: (a cura di): Mancuso S, Law and Food : Regulatory Recipes of Culinary Issues. p. 1-9, Routledge, ISBN: 9780367747923

10.) Miranda A., (2019), Multiculturalism in the Italian Family Law, in Annuario di Diritto Comparato e Studi Legislativi.

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