
Jürgen Mittelstrass#

Jürgen Mittelstrass
Born 1936 in Düsseldorf (Germany). From 1956 to 1960 studies in philosophy, German literature and protestant theology at the universities of Bonn, Erlangen, Hamburg and Oxford. 1961 Ph.D. in philosophy, University of Erlangen, 1968 Habilitation.

Since 1970 Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science at the University of Constance, since 1990 also Director of the Center for Philosophy of Science. 1985-1990 Member of the German Science Council; 1985–1999 Member of the Selection Committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; 1992-1997 Member of the Senate of the German Research Society. 1993-1999 Member (founding member) of the German-American Academic Council (Bonn/Washington, D.C.); 1995-1998 Member of the German Chancellor's Council for Research, Technology, and Innova-tion; since 2003 Member (since 2005 Chairman) of the Austrian Science Council. 1997-1999 President of the German Philosophical Association.

Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (Berlin), of the German Academy of Scientists Leopoldina (Halle), of the Academia Europaea (London, 1994-2000 Vice-President, since 2002 President), of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (Pontificia Academia Scientiarum) (Rome) and Corresponding Member of the Académie Internationale d'Histoire des Sciences (Paris) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna). 1989 Leibniz-Prize of the German Research Society; 1992 Arthur Burkhardt Prize; 1998 Lorenz Oken Medal of the Society of German Scientists and Physicians; 2000 Dr. Margrit Egnér-Foundation Prize; 2000 Werner Heisenberg Medal of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. 1993 Order of Merit of the State of Berlin; 1999 Offi-cer's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany; 2006 Order of Merit of the State of Bavaria. 2000 Honorary Doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh Pa./USA, from the Humboldt University of Berlin, and from the University of Iaşi/Rumania, 2003 from the University of Tartu/Estonia, 2004 from the Technical University of Berlin, 2007 from the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Publications include: Die Rettung der Phänomene (1962), Neuzeit und Aufklärung (1970), Die Möglichkeit von Wissenschaft (1974), Wissenschaft als Lebensform (1982), Der Flug der Eule (1989), Geist, Gehirn, Verhalten (with M. Carrier, 1989, engl. Mind, Brain, Behavior, 1991), Leonardo-Welt (1992), Die unzeitgemäße Universität (1994), Die Häuser des Wissens (1998), Wissen und Grenzen (2001). Editor: Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie, 4 vols. (1980-1996, 2nd ed. 2005ff.).
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