Luiz Moutinho - Selected Publications#

Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of price and online content, International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM), Volume 78, April 2019, pages 27-35, co-authored with Seongsoo Simon Jang.
CABS-3. Cited by 6.
Strategic Management in Tourism,Third Edition (Oxford, England: CABI) Lead Editor. Co-edited with Alfonso Vargas-Sanchez.
Cited by 457.
Dynamic Capabilities and Mediating Effect of Creativity, Innovation Capability, Marketing and Managerial Capabilities on Competitive Advantage and Firm’s Performance (2018). Technovation, 74-75, pages 1-18, co-authored with Jorge Ferreira and Arnaldo Coelho.
CABS-3. Cited by 8.
Hotel Location When Competitors May React: A Game-Theoretic Gravitational Model, Tourism Management, Volume 69, December 2018, pages 384–396, co-authored with Pedro Godinho and Paul Phillips.
CABS-4. Cited by 5.
Is Brand Loyalty Really Present in the Children’s Market? A Comparative Study from Indonesia, Portugal and Brazil (2017), Journal of Business Research, 69:4020-4032, co-authored with Jony Oktavian Haryanto and Arnaldo Coelho.
CABS-3. Cited by 27.
Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management (2016), second edition (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing). Lead Editor. Co-edited with Kun-Huang Huarng.
Cited by 22.
A Neural Network Approach for the Understanding of the Children’s Market (2015). European Journal of Marketing 49, 3/4:372-397, co-authored with Manuela Santos Silva and Jony Oktavian Haryanto.
CABS-3. Cited by 3.
Do you Really Feel Happy? Some Implications of Voice Emotion Response in Mandarin Chinese (2015). Marketing Letters, 26, 3:391-409; co-authored with Wan-Chen Wang and Charles S. Chien.
CABS-3. Cited by 6.
Consumer Dominant Value Creation: A theoretical Response to a Recent Call for a Consumer Dominat Logic for Marketing (2015). European Journal of Marketing, 49, 3/4:532-560; co-authored with Thomas Anker, Leigh Sparks and Christian Gronroos.
CABS-3. Cited by 91.
A Critical Review of Strategic Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism (2014). Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 96-120, co-authored with Paul Phillips.
CABS-4. Cited by 113.