
Luiz Moutinho - Selected Publications#

https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=6nEprHkAAAAJ&view_op=list_works (Jan. 11, 2020): 14,050 academic citations, the h-index of 55 and the i10-index of 196.


Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of price and online content, International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM), Volume 78, April 2019, pages 27-35, co-authored with Seongsoo Simon Jang.
CABS-3. Cited by 6.


Strategic Management in Tourism,Third Edition (Oxford, England: CABI) Lead Editor. Co-edited with Alfonso Vargas-Sanchez.
Cited by 457.


Dynamic Capabilities and Mediating Effect of Creativity, Innovation Capability, Marketing and Managerial Capabilities on Competitive Advantage and Firm’s Performance (2018). Technovation, 74-75, pages 1-18, co-authored with Jorge Ferreira and Arnaldo Coelho.
CABS-3. Cited by 8.


Hotel Location When Competitors May React: A Game-Theoretic Gravitational Model, Tourism Management, Volume 69, December 2018, pages 384–396, co-authored with Pedro Godinho and Paul Phillips.
CABS-4. Cited by 5.


Is Brand Loyalty Really Present in the Children’s Market? A Comparative Study from Indonesia, Portugal and Brazil (2017), Journal of Business Research, 69:4020-4032, co-authored with Jony Oktavian Haryanto and Arnaldo Coelho.
CABS-3. Cited by 27.


Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management (2016), second edition (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing). Lead Editor. Co-edited with Kun-Huang Huarng.
Cited by 22.


A Neural Network Approach for the Understanding of the Children’s Market (2015). European Journal of Marketing 49, 3/4:372-397, co-authored with Manuela Santos Silva and Jony Oktavian Haryanto.
CABS-3. Cited by 3.


Do you Really Feel Happy? Some Implications of Voice Emotion Response in Mandarin Chinese (2015). Marketing Letters, 26, 3:391-409; co-authored with Wan-Chen Wang and Charles S. Chien.
CABS-3. Cited by 6.


Consumer Dominant Value Creation: A theoretical Response to a Recent Call for a Consumer Dominat Logic for Marketing (2015). European Journal of Marketing, 49, 3/4:532-560; co-authored with Thomas Anker, Leigh Sparks and Christian Gronroos.
CABS-3. Cited by 91.


A Critical Review of Strategic Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism (2014). Annals of Tourism Research, 48, 96-120, co-authored with Paul Phillips.
CABS-4. Cited by 113.

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