
Miglena Nikolchina - Selected Publications#

Of bugs and masks: Regimes within regimes. Differences, 2021, 32(1), pp. 97–125.

Born undead: Beyond theory, world theory. Differences, 2021, 32(1), pp. 1–6

„Verwandlung, or the Human Crucible.“ Alisa Slaughter and Julia Sushytska (eds.) A Spy for an Unknown Country: Essays and Lectures by Merab Mamardashvili. Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2020. 213-232.

Signifiance and Transubstantiation: The Returns of the Avant-Garde in Kristeva's Philosophy of Literature. Sara Beardsworth (ед.) The Philosophy of Julia Kristeva. Chicago: Open Court, 2020, 265

The Political Stakes of Literary Theory in Eastern Europe during the Cold War, History of Humanities , 4.2 (2019):335-339.

Noncoinciding Coincidences: Tzvetan Stoyanov with Julia Kristeva and Georgi Markov, History of Humanities, 4.2 (2019): pages:341-356.

Anti-Odysseus: Orphism and Late Communism in Bulgaria, Slavica Tergestina (issue dedicated to literary theory in Bulgaria), 20.1 (2018): 46-69.

Will You Stay Here: The Common and the Blue Brain, Glossary of Common Knowledge, Ed. Zdenka Badovinac et al, Ljubljana, 2018.

Revolution and Time in Kristeva's Writing, diacritics, 45. 3 (2017): 76-98.

Time in Video Games: Repetitions of the New, differences 28.3 (2017): 19-43.

Prochityt na komunisticheskoto nasledstvo prez nesuvpdashtoto suvpadenie (Reading the communist legacy through non-coinciding coincidences). Sotsiologicheski problemi. 1-2 (2015): 154-170.

Inverted Forms and Heterotopian Homonymy: Althusser, Mamardashvili, and the Problem of ‘Man’. boundary 2 (an international journal of literature and culture), 41.1 (2014): 79-100.

Devi, ritsari, kralitsi. Ljubovta v literaturata na Srednovekovieto i Renesansa (Virgins, Knights, and Queens. Love in Medieval and Renaissance Literature). Sofia, 2014.

Byzantium, or Fiction as Inverted Theory. Benigno Trigo (ed.) Kristeva’s Fiction. State University of New York Press, 2013, 143-155.

Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions: Heterotopias of the Seminar, New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.

Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf. New York: Other Press, 2004 (The book appeared also in Bulgarian, Hungarian, Macednian, and Russian).

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