Kenneth Nyberg - Curriculum Vitae#
- Ph.D. in History, University of Gothenburg, 16 November 2001
- M.A. in History, University of Gothenburg, 16 January 1996
Collected works – editor
Maria Cavallin Aijmer, Göran Malmstedt, Kenneth Nyberg, Adam von Schéele and Monica Weikert (eds.), Arbete, kultur, politik. En vänbok till Lennart K Persson [Labour, Culture, Politics: A festschrift for Lennart K Persson]. Skrifter från Historiska institutionen i Göteborg 7 (University of Gothenburg, 2007). 324 pp.
Textbook materials
Responsible for web-based student resources for Maria Sjöberg (ed.), En samtidig världshistoria [A Concurrent History of the World]] (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2014, 2nd revised ed. 2017),

”Världscirkeln sluts” [Completing the Global Circle (the Pacific, 1500–1800)]. In: Maria Sjöberg (ed.), En samtidig världshistoria [A Concurrent History of the World]] (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2014), pp. 588–610.
– 2nd revised ed. (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2017), pp. 629–652.
”Stilla havet, Indiska oceanen och den globala historien” [The Pacific, the Indian Ocean and Global History]. In: Katarina Streiffert Eikeland and Madelaine Miller (eds.), En maritim värld – från stenåldern till idag [A Maritime World – From the Stone Age until Today] (Lindome: Bricoleur Press, 2013), pp. 321–326.
”Anders Sparrman och Stilla havets utforskning” [Anders Sparrman and the Exploration of the Pacific]. In: Katarina Streiffert Eikeland and Madelaine Miller (eds.), En maritim värld – från stenåldern till idag [A Maritime World – From the Stone Age until Today] (Lindome: Bricoleur Press, 2013), pp. 186–192.
”Om ordnandet av global kunskap – Linné och hans apostlar” [On the Ordering of Global Knowledge – Linnaeus and his apostles]. In: Leos Müller, Göran Rydén and Holger Weiss (eds.), Global historia från periferin. Norden 1600–1850 [Global History from the Periphery: The Nordic countries, 1600–1850]] (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2010), pp. 209–230.
Organizer of conferences, workshops and conference sessions
Organizer (with Mats Fridlund and Anna Åberg) of ”Digital History – a Field, a Method or just a Phase? 2nd Digital History in Sweden Conference (DHiS2019)”, University of Gothenburg, 14–15 November 2019
Chair of the organizing committee for the national eighteenth-century studies conference “1700- talets rum och platser” [The spaces and places of the eighteenth century], Stockholm, 10–12 October 2019,
Chair of the organizing committee for ”The eighteenth century – past and present: The second Nordic conference in eighteenth-century studies”, Uppsala University, 12–14 October 2017, [
Organizer, with Anna Cullhed and Ann Öhrberg, of the workshop “1700-talsforskningen och samlingarna” [Eighteenth-century research and the collections], University of Gothenburg, 17–18 November 2016
Organizer, with Hanna Hodacs and Stéphane Van Damme and in cooperation with the European University Institute and the Center for History of Science at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and paper with Manuel Lucena Giraldo at the international workshop “Nature’s Empire: A Global History of Linnaean Science in the Long Eighteenth Century”, European University Institute, Florence, 14 November 2014
Administrative experience (selected)
Member of the Quality Committee, University of Gothenburg, 1 July 2018– (a group responsible for the implementation of the University’s quality assurance and development policy)
Member of the consultative assembly at the University of Gothenburg for the appointment of a vice-chancellor and deputy vice-chancellor, November 2016 – May 2017
Member of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, University of Gothenburg, 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2018
Chair of the Board of Teacher Education, University of Gothenburg, 1 July 2010 – 31 December 2011