Serena Olsaretti - Curriculum Vitae#

Prof. Olsaretti has been an ICREA Research Professor at UPF since 2010. Prior to that, she was Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of St. John's College.

  • D.Phil., University of Oxford, 2000
  • M.Phil., University of Oxford 1996
  • B.A. Hons in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (First Class), University of Oxford, 1994

Selected talks and conference presentations (last 5 years)
  • 2019 - Political Philosophy Colloquium, Freie Universität Berlin; Normative Orders Cluster, Goethe Universität Franfkfurt
  • 2018 - Princeton University; Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Utrecht;
  • 2017 - European Congress for Analytic Philosophy, LMU University Munich; Institute of Futures Studies, Stockholm; Duke Law, Duke University; Centre de Recerche en Ethique, Université de Montreal
  • 2016 - Central European University, Budapest; University of Oxford; 7th International Lauener Symposium on Analytical Philosophy, Themes on the Philosophy of T.M. Scanlon, University of Bern; University of Salzburg, 24 August 2016; Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • 2015 - UPF Graduate Conference in Legal Theory& Moral and Political Philosophy; Manchester Centre for Political Theory; The Franco-Swedish Program in Economics and Philosophy Conference, Uppsala
  • 2014 The University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; College d’études mondiales, Paris; University of Sheffield; Murphy Institute, University of Tulane

Service to the Profession (selection only among ongoing activities)
  • Associate Editor, Ethics (July 2018 – present)
  • External Evaluator, University of Warwick (2018-9)
  • External Reviewer, Ikerbasque Senior Research Competition (2017)
  • External Evaluator, Promotion Case, University of Warwick (2016)
  • MINECO I+D+I Plan Estatal Evaluation Committee (2016)
  • Executive Committee Member, Society for Applied Philosophy (July 2015 – present)
  • Co-editor: Law, Ethics and Philosophy (2013- present)
  • Editorial Boards: Utilitas (2003-present), Economics and Philosophy (2008-present), Journal of Applied Philosophy (2017 - present)
  • Advisory Board, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy (2011-present)

Full CV

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